
作者: elon | 来源:发表于2015-06-27 15:52 被阅读113次
  1. 列出pid对应的每个线程占用cpu的情况
    pidstat -t -p ${pid}
  2. 输出格式:
    TGID TID %usr %system %guest %CPU CPU Command
  1. TGID --The identification number of the thread group leader.
  2. TID --The identification number of the thread being monitored.
  3. %usr --Percentage of CPU used by the task while executing at the user level (application), with or without nice priority. Note that this field does NOT include time spent running a virtual processor.
  4. %system --Percentage of CPU used by the task while executing at the system level (kernel).
  5. %guest --Percentage of CPU spent by the task in virtual machine (running a virtual processor).
  6. %CPU --Total percentage of CPU time used by the task.
  7. CPU --Processor number to which the task is attached.
  8. Command --The command name of the task.
  1. -u代表cpu(可以不加),-r代表内存,-d代表io


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