

作者: 花渐醒 | 来源:发表于2015-07-02 17:41 被阅读51次




    尽管已有证据证实CPE缺陷会导致小鼠肥胖、糖尿病和记忆障碍,但之前并没有在人类中发现这种情况。因为CPE是一种隐性性状,一个人必须从他的父母亲中都遗传到一个变异的该基因才会受到影响。内分泌咨询专家Tony Goldstone医生,曾为这名女性患者进行遗传咨询,得知患者的父母是表亲,这使她从双亲中遗传到相同变异基因的可能性更高,另外她有一个患有相同病症的哥哥在21岁时去世。





    负责此项基因测试同时也是该研究的第一作者Sanne Alsters博士称,“为患者的病情找到一个遗传原因可以帮助她和她的家庭更好的了解和处理她的病情。在她的亲属中,有些人仅有一个该缺陷基因,我们可以对他们进行观察。仅有一个缺陷基因可能使他们获得的肥胖风险没有那么明显。”

    皇家理工学院医学院教授,也是这项研究的负责人Alex Blakemore表示:“目前被发现的可以导致的肥胖和糖尿病的单一基因越来越多。我们也不知道未来还会发现多少,也不知道极端肥胖人群中有多少比例的人们是患有这种疾病——因为我们仅通过肉眼观察是无法分辨的。”



    翻译:朱晓倩 为了方便阅读调整了一些段落顺序

    来源:Imperial College London. (2015, June 30). New genetic form of obesity, diabetes discovered. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 1, 2015 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/06/150630080159.htm

    Scientists have discovered a new inherited form of obesity and type 2 diabetes in humans.

    A large number of genes are involved in regulating body weight, and there are now over 30 genes known in which people with harmful changes in DNA sequence become extremely overweight. Similarly, there are a number of genes that can, when altered, cause type 2 diabetes. These conditions are inherited through families in exactly the same way as disorders such as cystic fibrosis or Huntington's disease.

    It is unclear what proportion of severe obesity and type 2 diabetes is caused by genetic disease.

    Researchers at Imperial College London discovered the new defect by sequencing the DNA of an extremely obese young woman and members of her family. In addition to an increased appetite leading to severe weight problems from childhood, she had type 2 diabetes, learning difficulties, and reproductive problems.

    They found that she had inherited two copies of a harmful genetic change that meant she could not make a protein called carboxypeptidase-E (CPE). This is an enzyme that is important in the proper processing of a number of hormones and brain transmitters controlling appetite, insulin and other hormones important in the reproductive system.

    Studies have previously shown that CPE deficiency causes obesity, diabetes, and impaired memory in mice, but no humans with the condition have been found before. CPE deficiency is a recessive condition, so a person would need to inherit the altered genetic sequence from both parents to be affected.

    The study, published in the journalPLOS ONE, was funded by the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre and Diabetes UK.

    Professor Alex Blakemore from the Department of Medicine at Imperial College London, who led the study, said: "There are now an increasing number of single-gene causes of obesity and diabetes known. We don't know how many more have yet to be discovered, or what proportion of the severely obese people in our population have these diseases -- it is not possible to tell just by looking.

    "These are serious disorders that affect the body's ability to regulate hunger and fullness signals. They are inherited in the just same way as other genetic diseases and the sufferers should not be stigmatised for their condition. They should be offered genetic counselling and specialised lifelong support to allow them as healthy a life as possible."

    The patient was clinically evaluated by consultant endocrinologist Dr Tony Goldstone, who runs a specialist genetics obesity clinic at Hammersmith Hospital. The patient's parents are cousins, giving her a relatively high likelihood of inheriting the same genetic change from both parents. She had an older brother with similar symptoms who died aged 21.

    The first author Dr Sanne Alsters, also in the Department of Medicine, who carried out the genetic tests, said: "Finding a genetic cause for the patient's problems has helped her and her family to understand and manage her condition better. We can also look at members of her family with one abnormal copy of the gene, to see they are affected in more subtle ways that could increase their risk of obesity."

    Professor Blakemore said genetic tests should be widely available for patients with severe obesity. "If people are diagnosed with a genetic condition like this one, we can look for other possible symptoms, and offer genetic advice to other family members if they want this. Diagnosis is very valuable to the patient. It helps to set realistic expectations, and can help them get the best possible treatment," she said.



