Hello everyone, this is the first article of our group how cultural differences can impact global teams.
Now, let's go into the first part - new words.I know if I only list a bunch of words you guys must be bored.So I place some similar words here so that we can compare and learn, which will be easier.There are seven words altogether.First is disperse.It is usually used to express the complete dispersion of people and things,也就是“驱散”。scatter可以形容撒花籽或者形容枪声使人们四散奔逃,spread是最常用的一个词,侧重于遍及,可以作为替换词用。
Second,indispensable.It means“必不可少”。For example,cars is an indispensable part of our life.
many people or adj These are his two brothers
But successful expansions are about coherence as well as price.