判断一个缓存的好坏最核心的指标命中率、性能以及资源的占用等指标。淘汰策略是影响缓存命中率的重要因素。一般比较简单的缓存就会直接用到 LFU(Least Frequently Used,即最不经常使用) 或者LRU(Least Recently Used,即最近最少使用) ,而 Caffeine 使用了 W-TinyLFU 算法。
LRU 实现简单,在一般情况下能够表现出很好的命中率,是一个“性价比”很高的算法,平时也很常用。虽然 LRU 对突发性的稀疏流量(sparse bursts)表现很好,但同时也会产生缓存污染,举例来说,如果偶然性的要对全量数据进行遍历,那么“历史访问记录”就会被刷走,造成污染。
如果数据的分布在一段时间内是固定的话,那么 LFU 可以达到最高的命中率。但是 LFU 有两个缺点,第一,它需要给每个记录项维护频率信息,每次访问都需要更新,这是个巨大的开销;第二,对突发性的稀疏流量无力,因为前期经常访问的记录已经占用了缓存,偶然的流量不太可能会被保留下来,而且过去的一些大量被访问的记录在将来也不一定会使用上,这样就一直把“坑”占着了。
TinyLFU 算法是专门为了解决 LFU 上述提到的两个问题而被设计出来的。
解决第一个问题是采用了 Count–Min Sketch 算法。
解决第二个问题是让记录尽量保持相对的“新鲜”(Freshness Mechanism),并且当有新的记录插入时,可以让它跟老的记录进行“PK”,输者就会被淘汰,这样一些老的、不再需要的记录就会被剔除。
1、统计频率 Count–Min Sketch 算法
Caffeine 对这个算法的实现在FrequencySketch
类。Caffeine 是用了一个一维的数组;如果是数值类型的话,这个数需要用 int 或 long 来存储,但是 Caffeine 认为缓存的访问频率不需要用到那么大,只需要 15 就足够,一般认为达到 15 次的频率算是很高的了,而且 Caffeine 还有另外一个机制来使得这个频率进行衰退减半。如果最大是 15 的话,那么只需要 4 个 bit 就可以满足了,一个 long 有 64bit,可以存储 16 个这样的统计数,使得存储效率提高了 16 倍.
static final long[] SEED = { // A mixture of seeds from FNV-1a, CityHash, and Murmur3
0xc3a5c85c97cb3127L, 0xb492b66fbe98f273L, 0x9ae16a3b2f90404fL, 0xcbf29ce484222325L};
static final long RESET_MASK = 0x7777777777777777L;
static final long ONE_MASK = 0x1111111111111111L;
int sampleSize;
int tableMask;
long[] table;
int size;
* Increments the popularity of the element if it does not exceed the maximum (15). The popularity
* of all elements will be periodically down sampled when the observed events exceeds a threshold.
* This process provides a frequency aging to allow expired long term entries to fade away.
* @param e the element to add
public void increment(@NonNull E e) {
if (isNotInitialized()) {
int hash = spread(e.hashCode());
// start 值:0、4、8、12
int start = (hash & 3) << 2;
int index0 = indexOf(hash, 0);
int index1 = indexOf(hash, 1);
int index2 = indexOf(hash, 2);
int index3 = indexOf(hash, 3);
//根据index和start(+1, +2, +3)的值,把table[index]对应的等分追加1
boolean added = incrementAt(index0, start);
added |= incrementAt(index1, start + 1);
added |= incrementAt(index2, start + 2);
added |= incrementAt(index3, start + 3);
if (added && (++size == sampleSize)) {
* Increments the specified counter by 1 if it is not already at the maximum value (15).
* @param i the table index (16 counters)
* @param j the counter to increment
* @return if incremented
boolean incrementAt(int i, int j) {
//这个j表示16个等分的下标,那么offset就是相当于在64位中的下标 16 * 4
int offset = j << 2;
long mask = (0xfL << offset);
if ((table[i] & mask) != mask) {
table[i] += (1L << offset);
return true;
return false;
* Returns the table index for the counter at the specified depth.
* @param item the element's hash
* @param i the counter depth
* @return the table index
int indexOf(int item, int i) {
long hash = SEED[i] * item;
hash += hash >>> 32;
return ((int) hash) & tableMask;
* Applies a supplemental hash function to a given hashCode, which defends against poor quality
* hash functions.
int spread(int x) {
x = ((x >>> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
x = ((x >>> 16) ^ x) * 0x45d9f3b;
return (x >>> 16) ^ x;
public int frequency(@NonNull E e) {
if (isNotInitialized()) {
return 0;
int hash = spread(e.hashCode());
int start = (hash & 3) << 2;
int frequency = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int index = indexOf(hash, i);
//定位到table[index] + 等分的位置,再根据mask取出计数值
int count = (int) ((table[index] >>> ((start + i) << 2)) & 0xfL);
frequency = Math.min(frequency, count);
return frequency;

为了让缓存保持“新鲜”,剔除掉过往频率很高但之后不经常的缓存,Caffeine 有一个新鲜度机制。就是当整体的统计计数达到某一个值时,那么所有记录的频率统计除以 2。
if (added && (++size == sampleSize)) {
void reset() {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
count += Long.bitCount(table[i] & ONE_MASK);
table[i] = (table[i] >>> 1) & RESET_MASK;
size = (size >>> 1) - (count >>> 2);
Caffeine 通过测试发现 TinyLFU 在面对突发性的稀疏流量(sparse bursts)时表现很差,因为新的记录(new items)还没来得及建立足够的频率就被剔除出去了,这就使得命中率下降。 于是 Caffeine 设计出一种新的算法,即 Window Tiny LFU(W-TinyLFU),并通过实验和实践发现 W-TinyLFU 比 TinyLFU 表现的更好。

它主要包括两个缓存模块,主缓存是 SLRU(Segmented LRU,即分段 LRU),SLRU 包括一个名为 protected 和一个名为 probation 的缓存区。通过增加一个缓存区(即 Window Cache),当有新的记录插入时,会先在 window 区呆一下,就可以避免稀疏流量问题。
当 window 区满了,就会根据 LRU 把 candidate(即淘汰出来的元素)放到 probation 区,如果 probation 区也满了,就把 candidate 和 probation 将要淘汰的元素,两个进行“PK”,胜者留在 probation,输者就要被淘汰了。 而且经过实验发现当 window 区配置为总容量的 1%,剩余的 99%当中的 80%分给 protected 区,20%分给 probation 区时,这时整体性能和命中率表现得最好,所以 Caffeine 默认的比例设置就是这个。 不过这个比例 Caffeine 会在运行时根据统计数据(statistics)去动态调整,如果你的应用程序的缓存随着时间变化比较快的话,那么增加 window 区的比例可以提高命中率,相反缓存都是比较固定不变的话,增加 Main Cache 区(protected 区 +probation 区)的比例会有较好的效果。 淘汰策略所在类 BoundedLocalCache 关键属性
long maximum;
long weightedSize;
long windowMaximum;
long windowWeightedSize;
long mainProtectedMaximum;
long mainProtectedWeightedSize;
final FrequencySketch<K> sketch;
//window区的LRU queue(FIFO)
final AccessOrderDeque<Node<K, V>> accessOrderWindowDeque;
//probation区的LRU queue(FIFO)
final AccessOrderDeque<Node<K, V>> accessOrderProbationDeque;
//protected区的LRU queue(FIFO)
final AccessOrderDeque<Node<K, V>> accessOrderProtectedDeque;
void evictEntries() {
if (!evicts()) {
int candidates = evictFromWindow();
//根据W-TinyLFU,新的数据都会无条件的加到admission window
int evictFromWindow() {
int candidates = 0;
//查看window queue的头部节点
Node<K, V> node = accessOrderWindowDeque().peek();
while (windowWeightedSize() > windowMaximum()) {
// The pending operations will adjust the size to reflect the correct weight
if (node == null) {
Node<K, V> next = node.getNextInAccessOrder();
if (node.getWeight() != 0) {
//加入到probation queue,相当于把节点移动到probation区
setWindowWeightedSize(windowWeightedSize() - node.getPolicyWeight());
node = next;
return candidates;
void evictFromMain(int candidates) {
int victimQueue = PROBATION;
//victim是probation queue的头部
Node<K, V> victim = accessOrderProbationDeque().peekFirst();
//candidate是probation queue的尾部,也就是刚从window晋升来的
Node<K, V> candidate = accessOrderProbationDeque().peekLast();
while (weightedSize() > maximum()) {
// Stop trying to evict candidates and always prefer the victim
if (candidates == 0) {
candidate = null;
if ((candidate == null) && (victim == null)) {
if (victimQueue == PROBATION) {
victim = accessOrderProtectedDeque().peekFirst();
victimQueue = PROTECTED;
} else if (victimQueue == PROTECTED) {
victim = accessOrderWindowDeque().peekFirst();
victimQueue = WINDOW;
// The pending operations will adjust the size to reflect the correct weight
if ((victim != null) && (victim.getPolicyWeight() == 0)) {
victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
} else if ((candidate != null) && (candidate.getPolicyWeight() == 0)) {
candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
// Evict immediately if only one of the entries is present
if (victim == null) {
Node<K, V> previous = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
Node<K, V> evict = candidate;
candidate = previous;
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
} else if (candidate == null) {
Node<K, V> evict = victim;
victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
// Evict immediately if an entry was collected
K victimKey = victim.getKey();
K candidateKey = candidate.getKey();
if (victimKey == null) {
@NonNull Node<K, V> evict = victim;
victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.COLLECTED, 0L);
} else if (candidateKey == null) {
@NonNull Node<K, V> evict = candidate;
candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.COLLECTED, 0L);
if (candidate.getPolicyWeight() > maximum()) {
Node<K, V> evict = candidate;
candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
if (admit(candidateKey, victimKey)) {
Node<K, V> evict = victim;
victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
} else {
Node<K, V> evict = candidate;
candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
boolean admit(K candidateKey, K victimKey) {
int victimFreq = frequencySketch().frequency(victimKey);
int candidateFreq = frequencySketch().frequency(candidateKey);
if (candidateFreq > victimFreq) {
return true;
} else if (candidateFreq <= 5) {
// The maximum frequency is 15 and halved to 7 after a reset to age the history. An attack
// exploits that a hot candidate is rejected in favor of a hot victim. The threshold of a warm
// candidate reduces the number of random acceptances to minimize the impact on the hit rate.
return false;
int random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
return ((random & 127) == 0);
void onAccess(Node<K, V> node) {
if (evicts()) {
K key = node.getKey();
if (key == null) {
if (node.inWindow()) {
reorder(accessOrderWindowDeque(), node);
} else if (node.inMainProbation()) {
} else {
reorder(accessOrderProtectedDeque(), node);
setHitsInSample(hitsInSample() + 1);
} else if (expiresAfterAccess()) {
reorder(accessOrderWindowDeque(), node);
if (expiresVariable()) {
void reorderProbation(Node<K, V> node) {
if (!accessOrderProbationDeque().contains(node)) {
// Ignore stale accesses for an entry that is no longer present
} else if (node.getPolicyWeight() > mainProtectedMaximum()) {
// If the protected space exceeds its maximum, the LRU items are demoted to the probation space.
// This is deferred to the adaption phase at the end of the maintenance cycle.
setMainProtectedWeightedSize(mainProtectedWeightedSize() + node.getPolicyWeight());