We can do it!
Femininity 女性特质
Masculinity 男性特质
and sensitivity.
1589, Jane Anger说:
Adam was fashioned from‘dross and filthy clay’, God made Eve from Adam’s flesh, ‘that she might be purer than he. (男人是泥做的,女人是水做的,因此女人比男人更纯洁。)
Is it not apparent, that their delicate constitutions, their peaceful inclinations, and the many duties of motherhood, set them apart from strenuous habits and onerous duties, and summon them to gentle occupations and the cares of the home?(女人柔弱的身体,温和的性情,母亲的义务,本身就不适合从事繁重的体力劳动,就该在家里从事轻松的工作,这难道不是很明显吗?)
18世纪见证了女权主义从宗教领域到现实社会的自由和教育领域的过度和发展。多才多艺的英国女作家Lady Mary Wortley Montagu随她的夫君出使君士坦丁堡,开启了女性离家远游的典范,在庭院深深的封建欧洲助推了女权向自由和教育方向发展。
lay aside diabolical envy and, sly whispering which are very falsely said to attend the Tea-table, being places, where virtuous women never come. (抛弃邪恶的妒忌和尖刻的八卦,这样的下午茶聚会,有德行的女性不会参与),然后,女性就应该走到公共场所展示优雅和修养。
Hannah More 认为女性教育的首要原则不在于延续传统,比如教育女性学会音乐、艺术、装饰外表,而是要启迪女性心智:
The accomplishments address themselves to the senses; and there are more who can see and hear, than there are who can judge and reflect. (教育的成就在于理智,因为如今有太多人只会看和听,而不会思和想)
到了18世纪末,最著名的女权主义Amazons,这个词意思是亚马逊女战士,Mary Wollstonecraft 在其作品《女权辩护:关于政治和道德问题的批评》中指出可悲的女人从小被教育温柔娴淑,将来做贤妻良母,然后不断装饰囚禁自己的家庭,把家当做金丝笼,所以她主张:
It is time to effect a revolution in female manners, time to restore to them lost dignity, and make them, as a part of the human species, labour by reforming themselves to reform the world. (是时候发动一场变革来改变女人的行为来使得女性尊严失而复得,作为半边天,女性要通过改革自我来改革世界。)
Mary Wollstonecraft在这本作品中同时把女权主义运动的战火燃烧到了政治领域:
In this style, argue tyrants of every denomination , from the weak king to the weak father of a family; they are all eager to crush reason; yet always assert that they usurp its throne only to be useful. Do you not act a similar part, when you force all women, by denying them civil and political rights, to remain immured in their families groping in the dark?(用这种方式,从独裁君主到专制父亲,他们都热衷于粉碎理性都宣扬他们的篡权之举是必要的,你们立法者在否认女性政治权利,并试图把女性监禁在家的行为无异于独裁君主和专制父亲。)
19世纪的女权主义由于女性在前面几百年的铺垫或者抗争,终于赢得了一些开明男士的加入。其中女权主义的支持者中,最有名的当属西方自由主义之圣John Stuart Mill,在1869年他出版了《论妇女的从属地位》:他表明女性的从属地位是错误的,是“人类进步的主要障碍之一”。
受18世纪启蒙运动的影响,这个时期的女权主义者旗帜鲜明地从道德的高度强调男女平等,并且主张实质性的女性解放和政治权利的平等。女权运动的重心从欧洲也转移到了美国,女权跟废奴又结合在一起,有些著名女权主义者同时也是废奴主义者比如Caroline Wells Healey Dall , Elizabeth Cady Stanton和Susan Brownnell Anthony。
为了追求跟男性的彻底平等,这个时期的女权主义者甚至认为,传统意义上的婚姻法,女性保护法本质上都带有对女性的歧视和贬低,他们主张废除这类法律,那么实现途径就是自己拥有投票权。Caroline H. Dall 说:
We don’t care about abstract rights: what we want is our own share of the tangible acknowledged right which human government confer. (我们不需要抽象法律,比如文字的书面的,我们需要的是真实的权力,体现在那张选票上。)
女性争取跟男性平等权力的其中一个理由就是道德高度(非宗教的),很多女性和男性认为女性比男性更具有道德优势,Caroline H. Dall接着说:
Whenever this happened (we claim the right of suffrage), character would get its legitimate influence; and it is just possible that men might become rational and virtuous in private, if association with women compelled them to seem so in public…(我们女性最终有了投票权,道德或者品格才能发挥实质作用,男性才有可能在私下里变得理性和拥有美德,如果能和女性并肩,也能在公众场合也能看起来理性和拥有美德。)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton在1869年的女性选举权大会上的发言,从某种意义上推动了女性真正意义上拥有了投票权:
I urge a sixteenth amendment, because “manhood suffrage,” or a man’s government, is civil, religious, and social disorganization. The male element is a destructive force, stern, selfish, aggrandizing, loving war, violence, conquest, acquisition, breeding in the material and moral world alike discord, disorder, disease, and death. See what a record of blood and cruelty the pages of history reveal! Through what slavery, slaughter, and sacrifice, through what inquisitions and imprisonments, pains and persecutions, black codes and gloomy creeds, the soul of humanity has struggled for the centuries, while mercy has veiled her face and all hearts have been dead alike to love and hope!(我敦促宪法修正案第16条处理女权问题,因为男性主导的政府过于虚伪和分裂,男性特质具有破坏性,冷漠,自私,傲慢,好战,暴力,征服,贪婪,道德混乱,致病和死亡;看看由男性造成的人类残酷血腥的历史吧!看看几百年来男性通过奴役,杀戮,监禁,阴谋带给人类的灵魂挣扎,因此善良被遮蔽,没有爱和希望。)
在英国,20世纪著名女性主义先锋作家Virginia Woolf在她的长篇散文Three Guineas中描述了早晨英国泰晤士桥上人们上班的场景,尤其是人们走进英国议会大厦时感慨:
But now, for the past twenty years or so, it is no longer a sight merely, a photograph, or fresco scrawled upon the walls of time, at which we can look with merely an esthetic appreciation. For there, trapesing along at the tail end of the procession, we go ourselves.(过去的20年里,这幅景象不再如历史的浮雕只容许我们有观看的份儿,如今,在那个长长的参会人群里,我们女性紧跟其后。)