Recruitment (for designers)

Recruitment (for designers)

作者: Cellier | 来源:发表于2016-02-18 11:03 被阅读28次
    for designer

    About Ping++

    Ping++ makes payments easily accessible for doers and thinkers. We welcome new ideas that could change up the payment landscape, and new talents to build great experiences that never existed before.

    关于 Ping++

    Ping++ 在做的,是让商戶和开发者更简单地接入支付,让消费者拥有更美好的支付体验。我们欢迎善于思考的人,用你的才华,去创造更用心的、从未存在过的产品。


    • 你热爱创造既美丽、又好用的东西。
    • 你有超多深藏不露的技能,能把你想像中的东西变成现实。
    • 你喜欢和其他设计师一起切磋新想法,分享知识。
    • 你有超强的人际和分析能力。你不会害怕与别人讨论你的真实想法,发现新的问题,用机智的方法解决他们。
    • 你有面对商户、终端用户、和开发者的设计经验,能够以不同角度、面对不同类型的用户进行沟通和思考。
    • 你对用户体验研究有兴趣,并想要尝试新的设计方法。
    • 你能够透过用户研究方法发现用户真实的需求,透过用户测试、访问、调查或其他方式获取对产品有价值的数据,并对其解读。


    如果可能,请提供个人作品集 (portfolio),网站、PDF、Behance、Dribbble 均可。

    Product Designer

    • You enjoy making beautiful things that work beautifully well.
    • You have diverse skills that let you make anything you imagine into reality.
    • You like to spend time with other designers, so we could share our knowledge and ideas.
    • You have strong interpersonal and analytical skills. You aren’t afraid of telling others better solutions to existing problems, or developing innovative solutions for problems we do not yet see.
    • You have experience designing for both enterprise, consumer, and developers, and are thoughtful and emphatic about how to approach, incentivize and talk to any type of users.
    • You have interest in user experience research and want to experiment with new design processes.
    • You have experience with user research methods to discover user needs through user testing, interviews, surveys and other methods. You’re able to collect and interpret data.

    Application requirements

    Show us cool things you did.
    If possible, include your a link to your portfolio. Any format including your personal website, PDF, Behance, Dribbble could work.




    Send your resume&portfolio to

    OUR SITE:www.pingxx.com



        本文标题:Recruitment (for designers)
