child :容器内的子组件。
dec0ration: Container 的(背景)修饰器,层级比child低。主要的功能是设置背景和边框。
foregroundDecoration: Container 的(前景)修饰器。层级比child高。
constraints: BoxConstraints(minHeight: 200, minWidth: 200),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border.all(//边框设置
width: 1,
height: 100,
width: 100,
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(color:,
屏幕快照 2020-07-10 下午4.55.14.png
这里我们宽高设置100,但是实际尺寸是200这是因为我们设置了 constraints属性去掉后效果如图:
屏幕快照 2020-07-10 下午7.27.16.png
BoxConstraints 类源码如下
class BoxConstraints extends Constraints {
/// Creates box constraints with the given constraints.
const BoxConstraints({
this.minWidth = 0.0,
this.maxWidth = double.infinity,
this.minHeight = 0.0,
this.maxHeight = double.infinity,
}) : assert (minWidth != null),
assert (maxWidth != null),
assert (minHeight != null),
assert (maxHeight != null);
/// Creates box constraints that is respected only by the given size.
BoxConstraints.tight(Size size)
: minWidth = size.width,
maxWidth = size.width,
minHeight = size.height,
maxHeight = size.height;
/// Creates box constraints that require the given width or height.
/// See also:
/// * [new BoxConstraints.tightForFinite], which is similar but instead of
/// being tight if the value is non-null, is tight if the value is not
/// infinite.
const BoxConstraints.tightFor({
double width,
double height,
}) : minWidth = width ?? 0.0,
maxWidth = width ?? double.infinity,
minHeight = height ?? 0.0,
maxHeight = height ?? double.infinity;
/// Creates box constraints that require the given width or height, except if
/// they are infinite.
/// See also:
/// * [new BoxConstraints.tightFor], which is similar but instead of being
/// tight if the value is not infinite, is tight if the value is non-null.
const BoxConstraints.tightForFinite({
double width = double.infinity,
double height = double.infinity,
}) : minWidth = width != double.infinity ? width : 0.0,
maxWidth = width != double.infinity ? width : double.infinity,
minHeight = height != double.infinity ? height : 0.0,
maxHeight = height != double.infinity ? height : double.infinity;
/// Creates box constraints that forbid sizes larger than the given size.
BoxConstraints.loose(Size size)
: minWidth = 0.0,
maxWidth = size.width,
minHeight = 0.0,
maxHeight = size.height;
/// Creates box constraints that expand to fill another box constraints.
/// If width or height is given, the constraints will require exactly the
/// given value in the given dimension.
const BoxConstraints.expand({
double width,
double height,
}) : minWidth = width ?? double.infinity,
maxWidth = width ?? double.infinity,
minHeight = height ?? double.infinity,
maxHeight = height ?? double.infinity;
/// The minimum width that satisfies the constraints.
final double minWidth;
/// The maximum width that satisfies the constraints.
/// Might be [double.infinity].
final double maxWidth;
/// The minimum height that satisfies the constraints.
final double minHeight;
/// The maximum height that satisfies the constraints.
/// Might be [double.infinity].
final double maxHeight;
/// Creates a copy of this box constraints but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
BoxConstraints copyWith({
double minWidth,
double maxWidth,
double minHeight,
double maxHeight,
}) {
return BoxConstraints(
minWidth: minWidth ?? this.minWidth,
maxWidth: maxWidth ?? this.maxWidth,
minHeight: minHeight ?? this.minHeight,
maxHeight: maxHeight ?? this.maxHeight,
const BoxConstraints({
this.minWidth = 0.0,
this.maxWidth = double.infinity,
this.minHeight = 0.0,
this.maxHeight = double.infinity,
}) : assert (minWidth != null),
assert (maxWidth != null),
assert (minHeight != null),
assert (maxHeight != null);
what is the fuck ? 这个写法是神魔鬼???
const BoxConstraints({
this.minWidth = 0.0,
this.maxWidth = double.infinity,
this.minHeight = 0.0,
this.maxHeight = double.infinity,
const BoxConstraints({
double minWidth = 0.0,
double maxWidth = double.infinity,
double minHeight = 0.0,
double maxHeight = double.infinity,
this.minWidth = minWidth;
this.minWidth = maxWidth;
this.minWidth = minHeight;
this.minWidth = maxHeight;
冒号后面是dart: 初始化列表——Initializer list语法糖(子类构造器的方法体执行之前,初始化实例变量。不同的初始化变量之间用逗号分隔开)。