英作文16: 偷竊

英作文16: 偷竊

作者: 駝駝小欣 | 来源:发表于2019-12-28 20:30 被阅读0次


The stupid blunder that I have made has still been vivid in my memory to the present day. During my high school days, I always cut classes and fooled around on the street and indulged in the online games at the Internet cafe instead of studying hard. I devoted most of my time and money to play the video games, and I was literally bankrupt the other day. Not knowing what to do, I roamed on the street contemplating on what to do as the next step. Asking for my parents’ help was not an option, since I was not willing to explain what I were doing recently. Then, I happened to see a seemingly wealthy woman wearing a fashionable gaudy dress and holding and exceedingly expensive handbag. The thought of stealing it flashed into my mind. I was startled at my awful tendency at first, but soon after, I persuaded myself stealing something was no big deal! Before I gave further thought to the idea and before I made a thorough plan, I quickly succeeded in getting the woman’s purse and ran away at my top speed. The woman immediately found her purse missing and she was enraged, shouted “Thief!” at the top of her lungs. Though I didn’t look back, I could feel that everyone was fixing their eyes on me, and I heard that some of them were taking pictures and others even called the police.

After twenty minutes or so, the clamor finally died down. I ended up in the forest and I had no idea how I came here. Feeling exhausted and panting, I stopped running and I saw an old frail man sitting on the bench in the shade of a towering three. The old man fixed his eyes on me and the purse I held in hand. “Give it back to her.” I was astonished and couldn’t utter a word. I had no idea how did he know it. The old man then narrated to me his story, and he used to be a thief as well. It was his misdeed that led to his ten-year imprisonment! “ It’s just not worth it.” I shuddered on hearing what he had said and was speechless. After minutes of silence, I expressed my gratitude to the old man and promised that I would return to the woman her purse. It was the old man’s story made me realize what mattered the most in life and made me turn over a new leaf.


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      本文标题:英作文16: 偷竊
