Today i will share the ICF PCC competency and description of markers,this is the rule to find out the coacher level
Establishing the Coaching Agreement--Ability to understand
what is required in the specific coaching interaction and to come to agreement with the prospective client and the coaching process and relationship
PCC Markers for this competency have five markers
1.Coach helps the client identify,or reconfirm,what
he or she wants to accomplish in the session
2.Coach helps the client to define or reconfirm
measures of success for what he or she wants to
accomplish in this session
3.Coach explores what is important or meaningful to
the client about what he or she wants to accomplish
in this session
4.Coach helps the client define what the client believes
he or she needs to address or resolve in order to achieve
what he or she wants to accomplish in the session
5.Coach continues conversation in direction of clients
desired outcome unless client indicates otherwise