Working Hard is a Skill People C

Working Hard is a Skill People C

作者: 守望智慧 | 来源:发表于2018-01-18 13:41 被阅读41次

    Yesterday, I ran 7.14 kilometres. I set this goal because I wanted to break my record of the longest distance I ran, which was 7.08 kilometers.

    I don't know about others. I define how hard to achieve one thing by how much I have to push myself to do it.  So, running 7.14kilometers was hard for me.

    In the middle of running yesterday, I wanted to give up because I was tired. I was out of my breath. But I pushed myself to run some more, because I knew running is something I should do. It is important for my health. But it is not something I really enjoy doing. There are 2 reasons why I don't enjoy it

    1) Tired. Physically I am tired when I run. Walking it is much easier.

    2) I struggle in my mind when I think about how much longer I need to run. Oh, no still 5 more kilometers to run, still 2 kilometers, too far to go, etc.

    But I know it is important for me. Just like when I was in Middle School and High School, I knew studying was the most important thing for me. It would give me more options in my life if I can get to a good university. I wanted the path of my life was wider and wider. I did not want it to be narrower and narrower because I had no high education and could only do things that everyone else can do.

    Reflecting what happened during my running yesterday, I asked myself: what made me achieve 7.14 kilometers?

    1) I made the running more enjoyable. I listened to the book I like while I was running.

    2) When I felt tired, I tried not to think about how much longer I had to run today. I was present to that moment.  I paid attention to my pace and my breath.  To be honest, when I tried to focus on my pace and breath, the book i was listening was a little distracting.

    3)I focused on the small goals. Instead of thinking 5 more kilometers and I could not achieve it. I told myself, I only have 1 kilometer to the point I would run back. When I was really tired at 5 kilometers, Instead of thinking that I have 2 more kilometers to run, I told myself, I have 1 more kilometer to the point I would change speed.

    Suddenly, I realized that Working Hard is a skills that people can acquire. Or I can say Work More Easily instead of Working Hard. Then I recalled how I worked hard in middle school and high school. When I was in school, I

    1) Made the studying more enjoyable. At the matter of fact, studying is easier to enjoy than running.  Because when you learn something, you will feel rewarding of knowing new stuff. Now I remember what one of the teachers said "Study is fun if you know what you are doing"

    2)I tried to be present. When I was tired, bored or distracted, I would try to be present. Breathing is a way be present, which is what I learned recently. When I was in school, I actually use other ways to help myself to be present. I did not realised then, but now they totally made sense to me. When I could notice the voice hit my ear drum (by listening to the teacher), or when the words entering into my eye (by reading the whiteboard or books), I was present. Now I knew our body is always at present  and what's not is our mind. Because our mind is alway wandering around, like daydreaming. Breathing, ears and eyes are part of our body.

    Recently I use a new time management technique called "The Pomodoro Technique". Basically, I time box 30 minutes. I focus on 25 minutes and then give myself 5 minutes resting award. Then. I move to next 25 minute focusing time. It works really well. When I thinking it. It really

    1) sets small goals: just 25 minutes. So, I am not afraid that have to work really long time.

    2) gives myself some reward: 5 minutes rewarding after I work for 25 minutes. People are happy when they have some reward. I actually modify it when I do not have too tight schedule. I may go do 15 minutes Yoga to reward myself or make some nice tea.

    I am sharing my learning here. Hope that who read it can learn the skills to work hard or work more easily by 1) make things enjoyable or 2) just be present and focusing. That way, you will be surprised how much you have achieved before even noticing how much you work on it.

    Jan 17, 2018, Seattle



          本文标题:Working Hard is a Skill People C
