①学生表:Student由学号(Sno)、姓名(Sname)、性别(Ssex)、年龄(Sage)、所在系(Sdept)五个属性组成,记为:Student(Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sage,Sdept),Sno 为关键字。
create table Student (
Sno number(5) primary key,
Sname varchar2(10),
Ssex number(5),
Sage number(5),
Sdept varchar2(15)
②课程表:Course由课程号(Cno)、课程名(Cname)、先修课号(Cpno)、学分(Ccredit)四个属性组成,记为: Course(Cno,Cname,C pno,Ccredit) Cno为关键字。
create table Course (
Cno number(5) primary key,
Cname varchar2(10),
Cpno number(5),
Ccredit number(5)
③成绩表:SG由学号(Sno)、课程号(Cno)、成绩(Grade)三个属性组成,记为: SG(Sno,Cno,Grade) (SNO,CNO) 为关键字。
create table SG (
Sno number(5),
Cno number(5),
grade number(5),
foreign key (Sno) references Student(Sno),
foreign key (Cno) references Course(Cno)
insert into Student values(1,'s1',1,18,'dept1')
insert into Student values(2,'s2',0,17,'dept2');
insert into Student values(3,'s3',0,19,'dept3');
insert into Student values(4,'s4',1,16,'dept4');
insert into Student values(5,'s5',1,15,'dept3');
insert into Student values(6,'s6',0,16,'dept2');
insert into Student values(7,'s7',1,19,'dept1');
insert into Student values(8,'s8',0,16,'dept1');
insert into Student values(9,'s9',0,17,'dept2');
insert into Student values(10,'s10',1,17,'dept4');
insert into Student values(11,'s11',0,20,'dept2');
insert into Student values(12,'s12',1,17,'dept3');
insert into Student values(13,'s13',1,19,'dept2');
insert into Student values(14,'s14',0,18,'dept2');
insert into Student values(15,'s15',0,17,'dept1');
insert into Student values(16,'s16',1,18,'dept1')
select * from Student
insert into Course values(10,'course1',1,2);
insert into Course values(60,'course1',20,2);
insert into Course values(20,'course1',40,3);
insert into Course values(30,'course1',60,4);
insert into Course values(40,'course1',50,4);
insert into Course values(50,'course1',30,2)
select * from Course
insert into SG values(1,20,78);
insert into SG values(2,30,68);
insert into SG values(3,40,77);
insert into SG values(4,50,45);
insert into SG values(5,60,56);
insert into SG values(6,40,88);
insert into SG values(7,30,89);
insert into SG values(8,40,97);
insert into SG values(9,50,73);
insert into SG values(10,60,76);
insert into SG values(11,40,68);
insert into SG values(12,20,58);
insert into SG values(13,30,89);
insert into SG values(14,50,96);
insert into SG values(15,60,78);
insert into SG values(16,20,66);
insert into SG values(8,20,88)
select * from SG
select Student.Sno from Student inner join SG on Student.Sno=SG.SNO where SG.GRADE<60
update Student set Sage='22' where Sno=12
select * from Course
select avg(grade) as "20号课程平均成绩" from SG where Cno=20
- 查计算机系姓赵的男同学的姓名(Sname)、性别(Ssex)、年龄(Sage)。
select * from Student
update Student set Sname='赵三胖' where Sno=5
update Student set Sname='赵大桥' where Sno=10
select Sname,Ssex,Sage from Student where Sname like '赵%' and Sdept='dept3'
insert into Student values(05020,'丁莉',0,17,'dept3')
alter table Student add Scome date;
select Sno,grade from SG where Cno=20 order by grade desc;
select * from SG
select max(grade) as "最高成绩",avg(grade) as "平均成绩" from SG where Cno=40
select Sno,Sname from Student where Sdept=(select Sdept from Student where Sname='丁莉')
update SG set grade='0' where Sno in (select Sno from Student where Sdept='dept3')
delete from Student where Sno='5020'
select * from Student
delete from SG where Sno in (select Sno from Student where Sdept='dept3')
select * from SG inner join Student on SG.SNO=Student.Sno inner join Course on SG.CNO=Course.Cno;
select Sname,Sdept,Sage from Student where Sage between 18 and 22;
select * from (
select Student.*,rownum hang from Student
)where hang between 0 and 10;
create table comments(
Sno number(4),
Cno number(2),
Grade number(4),
foreign key(Sno) references student(Sno) [on delete cascade],
foreign key(Cno) references course(Cno)
create view aa as
select Student1.Sdept,SG.Grade from Student1,SG
where Student1.Sno = SG.Sno;