

作者: Cdudu | 来源:发表于2021-01-16 00:30 被阅读0次


    • Two-Way ANOVA由于有两个自变量,在考虑两个变量单独对应变量影响的同时,还需要考虑交互作用
    • 当ANOVA结果显示交互作用差异显著时,需要做每个变量在另一个变量各个水平下的显著性分析,而不能做变量的主效应分析(即使ANOVA结果显示单个变量存在显著性差异)
    • 当交互作用差异不显著,而变量的差异显著时,才可以对相应的变量做主效应分析


    ##       Two-Way Anova             ##
    #Environment Clean
    rm(list = ls())
    #Import data
    Input <- ("
    Diet    Country  Weight_change
      A       USA      0.120
     A       USA      0.125
     A       USA      0.112
     A       UK       0.052
     A       UK       0.055
     A       UK       0.044
     A       NZ       0.080
     A       NZ       0.090
    A       NZ       0.075
     B       USA      0.096
     B       USA      0.100
     B       USA      0.089
     B       UK       0.025
     B       UK       0.029
     B       UK       0.019
     B       NZ       0.055
     B       NZ       0.065
     B       NZ       0.050
     C       USA      0.149
     C       USA      0.150
     C       USA      0.142
     C       UK       0.077
    C       UK       0.080
     C       UK       0.066
     C       NZ       0.055
     C       NZ       0.065
     C       NZ       0.050
     C       NZ       0.054
    Data <- read.table(textConnection(Input),header=TRUE)
    #Remove unnecessary objects
    #Check the data frame
    headTail(Data)   #from psych package
    tapply(Data[[3]],Data$Country ,mean) #看均值
    > headTail(Data)  #from psych package
        Diet Country Weight_change
    1      A     USA          0.12
    2      A     USA          0.12
    3      A     USA          0.11
    4      A      UK          0.05
    ... <NA>    <NA>           ...
    25     C      NZ          0.06
    26     C      NZ          0.06
    27     C      NZ          0.05
    28     C      NZ          0.05
    > str(Data)
    'data.frame':   28 obs. of  3 variables:
     $ Diet         : chr  "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
     $ Country      : chr  "USA" "USA" "USA" "UK" ...
     $ Weight_change: num  0.12 0.125 0.112 0.052 0.055 0.044 0.08 0.09 0.075 0.096 ...
    > summary(Data)
         Diet             Country          Weight_change    
     Length:28          Length:28          Min.   :0.01900  
     Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:0.05350  
     Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :0.07050  
                                           Mean   :0.07746  
                                           3rd Qu.:0.09700  
                                           Max.   :0.15000  
    > tapply(Data[[3]],Data$Country ,mean)
            NZ         UK        USA 
    0.06390000 0.04966667 0.12033333 
    interaction.plot(x.factor = Data$Country,
                     trace.factor = Data$Diet,
                     response = Data$Weight_change,
                     fun = mean,
                     col=c("black","red","green"),  # Colors for levels of trace var.
                     pch=c(19, 17, 15),             # Symbols for levels of trace var.
                     fixed=TRUE,                    # Order by factor order in data
                     leg.bty = "o")
    #Specify the linear model and conduct an analysis of variance 
    model <- lm(Weight_change ~ Country + Diet + Country:Diet,
                data = Data)
    Anova(model, type = "II") #from car package
    Anova Table (Type II tests)
    Response: Weight_change
                    Sum Sq Df F value    Pr(>F)    
    Country      0.0256761  2 318.715 2.426e-15 ***
    Diet         0.0051534  2  63.969 3.634e-09 ***
    Country:Diet 0.0040162  4  24.926 2.477e-07 ***
    Residuals    0.0007653 19                      
    Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
    #Post-hoc testing with emmeans
    #Main effects
    #此例中交互的p值小于0.05,不应该做main effects,此处只是展示代码
               ~ Diet, contr="tukey"); em.resul1
    plot(em.resul1, comparisons = TRUE)
                       ~ Country, contr="tukey"); em.resul2
    plot(em.resul2, comparisons = TRUE)
    > #Post-hoc testing with emmeans
    > #Main effects
    > em.resul1<-emmeans(model,
    +            ~ Diet, contr="tukey"); em.resul1
    NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions
     Diet emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     A    0.0837 0.00212 19   0.0792   0.0881
     B    0.0587 0.00212 19   0.0542   0.0631
     C    0.0924 0.00203 19   0.0882   0.0967
    Results are averaged over the levels of: Country 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
     contrast estimate      SE df t.ratio p.value
     A - B     0.02500 0.00299 19   8.356 <.0001 
     A - C    -0.00878 0.00293 19  -2.997 0.0194 
     B - C    -0.03378 0.00293 19 -11.533 <.0001 
    Results are averaged over the levels of: Country 
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
                       ~ Country|Diet, contr="tukey"); em.resul3
    plot(em.resul3, comparisons = TRUE)
                       ~ Diet|Country, contr="tukey"); em.resul4
    plot(em.resul4, comparisons = TRUE)
    > plot(em.resul2, comparisons = TRUE)
    > #interaction
    > em.resul3<-emmeans(model,
    +                    ~ Country|Diet, contr="tukey"); em.resul3
    Diet = A:
     Country emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     NZ      0.0817 0.00366 19   0.0740   0.0893
     UK      0.0503 0.00366 19   0.0427   0.0580
     USA     0.1190 0.00366 19   0.1113   0.1267
    Diet = B:
     Country emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     NZ      0.0567 0.00366 19   0.0490   0.0643
     UK      0.0243 0.00366 19   0.0167   0.0320
     USA     0.0950 0.00366 19   0.0873   0.1027
    Diet = C:
     Country emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
     NZ      0.0560 0.00317 19   0.0494   0.0626
     UK      0.0743 0.00366 19   0.0667   0.0820
     USA     0.1470 0.00366 19   0.1393   0.1547
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    Diet = A:
     contrast estimate      SE df t.ratio p.value
     NZ - UK    0.0313 0.00518 19   6.046 <.0001 
     NZ - USA  -0.0373 0.00518 19  -7.204 <.0001 
     UK - USA  -0.0687 0.00518 19 -13.251 <.0001 
    Diet = B:
     contrast estimate      SE df t.ratio p.value
     NZ - UK    0.0323 0.00518 19   6.239 <.0001 
     NZ - USA  -0.0383 0.00518 19  -7.397 <.0001 
     UK - USA  -0.0707 0.00518 19 -13.637 <.0001 
    Diet = C:
     contrast estimate      SE df t.ratio p.value
     NZ - UK   -0.0183 0.00485 19  -3.782 0.0034 
     NZ - USA  -0.0910 0.00485 19 -18.773 <.0001 
     UK - USA  -0.0727 0.00518 19 -14.023 <.0001 
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
                       ~ Diet:Country); em.resul5
    pwpp(em.resul5,type = "response",by='Country')
    图1:曲线有交叉说明存在交互,无交叉说明不存在交互。此例中,Country和Diet之间有交互。 图2:横坐标为均值,纵坐标为分组,蓝色条块代表各组的置信区间,红色箭头用于判断组间的显著性差异,当不同组的箭头重叠时,则不存在显著性差异。 图3 图4:横坐标为p值,纵坐标为分组。例如,country为NZ时,dietA和B、C间均存在显著性差异,且p值<0.001,而B和C无显著性差异,且p值接近1


    Two-Way ANOVA



          本文标题:Two-Way ANOVA
