诗篇 69:1-3, 7-9, 19-21, 29-33 CUNPSS-神
“神啊,求你救我! 因为众水要淹没我。 我陷在深淤泥中,没有立脚之地; 我到了深水中,大水漫过我身。 我因呼求困乏,喉咙发干; 我因等候 神,眼睛失明。
因我为你的缘故受了辱骂, 满面羞愧。 我的弟兄看我为外路人; 我的同胞看我为外邦人。 因我为你的殿心里焦急,如同火烧, 并且辱骂你人的辱骂都落在我身上。
你知道我受的辱骂、欺凌、羞辱; 我的敌人都在你面前。 辱骂伤破了我的心, 我又满了忧愁。 我指望有人体恤,却没有一个; 我指望有人安慰,却找不着一个。 他们拿苦胆给我当食物; 我渴了,他们拿醋给我喝。
但我是困苦忧伤的; 神啊,愿你的救恩将我安置在高处。 我要以诗歌赞美神的名, 以感谢称他为大! 这便叫耶和华喜悦,胜似献牛, 或是献有角有蹄的公牛。 谦卑的人看见了就喜乐; 寻求 神的人,愿你们的心苏醒。 因为耶和华听了穷乏人, 不藐视被囚的人。”
诗篇69 是描述大卫在最失落和破碎中得的安慰。大卫没有隐藏内心里的挣扎,很坦白的把心里的忧愁诉说。这样就能帮助我们看到伟人的软弱和孤单,好让我们也能在苦楚中得着盼望!这篇诗也在预言着耶稣基督在十字架所面对的痛苦!诗篇69一开始就是在呼求神的拯救。希伯来5:7 提到“基督在肉体的时候,既大声哀哭,流泪祷告,恳求那能救他免死的主,就因他的虔诚蒙了应允。” 原来这篇诗确实是预言基督上十字架的经历。所以当我们愿意被破碎、被羞辱、被降卑、就能看到神的爱和救赎流露出来!
大卫形容了基督在十字架 所“受的辱骂、欺凌、羞辱” 。他描述“我的敌人都在你面前。 。。。他们拿苦胆给我当食物; 我渴了,他们拿醋给我喝。” 这也是耶稣在十字架经历的。当耶稣渴的时候,兵丁拿了醋给他喝。醋是古代人拿来消毒用的,特别在罗马时代是用在则所里面的。耶稣为了我们,被羞辱,为的就是要挪去我们的羞耻。不要因着你面对的事情而要放弃,仰望耶稣!让祂的榜样成为你的力量!
基督, 破碎, 诗篇
God don’t wait until you are perfect to use you!
Psalms 69:5-7, 32 NLT
O God, you know how foolish I am; my sins cannot be hidden from you. Don’t let those who trust in you be ashamed because of me, O Sovereign LORD of Heaven’s Armies. Don’t let me cause them to be humiliated, O God of Israel. For I endure insults for your sake; humiliation is written all over my face.
The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God’s help be encouraged.
Here is an honest prayer of David, who was completely overwhelmed and breaking down. He cried out to God for he was sinking and drowning in the waves of insults and threats. It was interesting that David was so transparent before others about the state he was in. In verse 5, he recognized his own sins and imperfection and was afraid that others would be stumbled because of his plight. Many Christians are so secretive about their faith because they are afraid to be known as hypocrites. They are afraid to be measured by others, afraid to be weighed on the righteous scale and found to be lacking. Yet, a true disciple of Jesus first recognized how imperfect and broken one is. Without a true confession of our own weaknesses, we can never fully understand God’s grace and redemption. The fact of the matter is that, most of us, if not, all of us are hypocrites to some extent. We are afraid of being exposed , we are ashamed of the cracks in us. King David knew his cracks but held on to God. He was accused by his enemies, condemned by his friends but remained steadfast in God. He was not afraid to be vulnerable. Indeed, God does not wait for us to become perfect to use us. He use us so that we can become perfect in Him! David’s life was refined as he was consistently being shaped and moulded in the Master’s hands.
Lord, thank You for reminding me that my cracks are exposed to let Your love flow through. Teach me to be vulnerable and let me not stay in hypocrisy. Let my journey of faith be transparent as I allow You to deal with my inner being. While I have not really gone through the state which David went through, let me stay focus and be bold when I have to face sinking situations. Bless my bros n sis to be bold and courageous in stepping up to serve even when they feel they are not quite there yet. In Jesus’ Name, amen!