SICP-chapter2 Data Structure

SICP-chapter2 Data Structure

作者: 挖矿的菜鸡 | 来源:发表于2017-05-11 12:38 被阅读0次

    Introduction to Data Structure

    What is Meant by Data?

    • The definition of Data
    • 使用procedure实现cons,car以及cdr.
      • 使用条件语句实现这三个内置函数.
      • 其实可以让cons支持有限个参数(>2个),只需要在条件语句上多加几个情况.
    • Message Passing
      • definition: What is message passing?
    • Exercises 2.4
      1. Analyse the requirements
      • (car (cons x y))

        • (cons x y) 是作为参数传入car的,实际上会生成一个procedure m
        • (car z) 返回的也是一个procedure,这个返回的procedure的作用就是返回第一个参数。
        • 所以这整个函数的作用就是car,返回第一个参数。
      • 写一个cdr的procedure。

        • Section 1.1.5
          • substitution model
            1. (f 5), this f is the procedure (sum-of-squares )
            • When we are trying to evaluate f ,this f is replaced by procedure (sum-of-squares)
            • Why do we need to use the substitution model?
              • Because we need to verify whether cdr works
        • The idea is to implement a procedure take the second parameter out as the return.
        • We need the cdr procedure to do something as follows

          (cdr (cons x y)) returns y
          * So the arguments of cdr should be a procedure , and the return value should also be a concrete object rather than a procedure.
          >(define (cdr z) (z (lambda (x y) y))

    • How to implement the cons as a procedure?
      • (cons a b) -- (lambda (m) (m x y))
      • what is the return value of ‘cons'?
        • The return value is a kind of data structure. 'Data structure Object’
        • The return value can be manipulated by 'car' and 'cdr',
          • So the return value is a procedure.
            • What are the arguments of the procedure?
              (define k (cons 4 5))
              (cdr k)
              (k (lambda (x y) y)
              (cons (4 5)) (lambda (x y) y)
              (lambda (m) (m 4 5)) (lambda ( x y) y)
              (lambda (x y) y) (4 5)


    • We can implement cons car cdr by ourself
    • The cons returns a procedure which is the highest abstraction structure.
      • take procedure as arguments
      • returns object is also a procedure
    • We can make up our mind by implement the structure step by step.



          本文标题:SICP-chapter2 Data Structure
