

作者: sherlock303 | 来源:发表于2022-03-24 18:13 被阅读0次

转自 https://superuser.com/questions/594559/how-do-you-easily-add-equation-numbers-to-microsoft-word-2010-equations

Insert empty display equation with Insert->Equation

Type equation (or placeholder)

Still within the equation, type #(1) followed by Enter to format the equation. This should result in a centered equation and right-aligned figure number.

For manual equation numbering you could stop here. To set up automatic numbers, you would continue with a similar procedure to the original solution:

Click References → Insert Caption. Select Label: equation, and check "Exclude label from caption" (depending on your formatting preference).

Cut and paste the new caption into the equation block, replacing the manual "1" number.

At this point, you can save the entire captioned equation with Design → Equation → Save Selection to Equation Gallery.

To reference the automatic equation number inline, you would create a bookmark and reference the bookmark:

Highlight the automatic equation number inside the equation block, and click Insert → Bookmark. You can include the parentheses in the bookmark text, or just highlight the number itself.

Add a new named bookmark

With the cursor in the text where you want the equation reference, click Insert → Cross-reference, select reference type "Bookmark" and select your new bookmark.


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