
作者: 编号919 | 来源:发表于2017-08-08 23:20 被阅读11次

As a unique cultural symbol,Chinese feature has been absorbed into many sections such as music,movie,etc,which has been more and more popular with people around the world.

There are three main reasons why Chinese feature has received great concern from foreigners.Firstly,with an increasing number of economic development,China has been occupying an brilliant state in the world.As one of five permanent member states of the UN,the influence of politics and national defence of China could not be ignored any more.Secondly,with the 5000--year deposition,Chinese traditional culture,whose first character is Confucianism,has been recognized by an increasing number of westerners,who think its benevolence idea coincides with that in Christianity.Thirdly,the communication from different countries has made the public feel like an enormous impact from foreigners.Different from the common culture they have known as before,Chinese feature bringing a great red storm making them enthusiastic about the mysterious eastern culture.

As Chinese,we should continue to inherit our traditional culture as our historic possession as well as carry it out to have foreigners know us better.In addition,we also need to learn the positive section of western culture in order to widen out international sight and improve the charm of out culture.Only in this way,can we have an better opportunity in the fusion of different culture.

With more than 1 billion fans,football has been the most popular sport in the world.Men and women are enthusiastic about exciting matches,strong athletes,etc.

However,as far as I am concerned,I’m not interested in it at all.As discrimination my friends brought to me,I prefer to spending time on songs.Unfortunately,that is why I’m bothered badly.

Firstly,as a male,I am seemed womanly when being seen crazy about some stars with colourful hair,beautiful clothes,charming voice,etc,Actually,I’m simply thinking they are handsome with their wonderful looking and voice,either steady as mountain,or clear as fountain.Secondly,I am nothing like hot-blooded about not only body but also character.Such fighting sports are absolutely i dislike.Perhaps I am too ‘cold’.Thirdly,people may have a kind of following-public emotion,which make them protect those who support their idea and religion,as well as fight against those holding different.Obviously,I do not like what they like,so they would not like to talk with me,at least,because of none common topics.

But I cannot bear to be called womanly.In fact,I do not have those abnormal hobbies of behaviour.Gentlemen can live together without killing their unique characters.I hope every one can reduce his prejudice and accept others’ hobbies.In this way,we can keep a harmonic relationship with others.



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    编号919: @李小包 呃……这个你当笑话看就行 那个《我已经控制不住我自己了》。你边看可以耳机里边放bigbang的谎言,哈哈哈
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    编号919: @灵川l 其实真正我引以为傲的是那个不完整的填词,就那个《我已经控制不住我自己了》。你可以鉴赏一下那个,最好耳机里放bigbang的谎言,哈哈哈
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    编号919: @沉熙 👏👏👏
    沉熙: @编号919 有些人的爱好就是听歌和追番,我觉得这些都没什么,难道一定都要跟着出去运动吗,没有必要。
    编号919: @沉熙 就是,看到对方嗤之以鼻的表情分分钟想打,甚至感觉自己的存在都被对方全盘否定一般
  • 靛玉红:厉害厉害,不过就是看不懂
    编号919: @靛玉红 你这样说我就尴尬了😅😅😅
  • 耕耘生活:看不懂啊
    耕耘生活: @编号919 就佩服学英语好的人👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
    编号919: @每日原创特种兵 闲来无事发发牢骚顺便练练英语而已,哥们可以看看别的文章😅😅😅

