
作者: Gr_L | 来源:发表于2020-04-16 23:13 被阅读0次

班级:L3-A 姓名:Lusia学号:20193000303 

日期:2020/4/16作业序号(Writing Assignment No.):005


题目:Some people believe that some internet websites should be restricted to prevent people from accessing sex or violent sites. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

On the one hand, I agree these website about sex or violent are ban . First and foremost , if a teenager see this website , the influence is very bad . Not only bad for their physical and mental health , but also maybe they will do something like that things . In serious cases, they will also touch the bottom line of the law, which will not only have a bad impact on them, but also will bring worry to their families . So I think these website are forbid is great . 

But on the other hand , if these website continues to be reveal , these criminal will be exposed . They will be punished by the law and put on trial . What’s more , people will be lessons to be learned and forbid this kind of thing . Such that , there will be fewer criminals and the right people will be set up gradually . But even that, I still think these similar websites should not be exposed, because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.(183 words)


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