
作者: Gr_L | 来源:发表于2020-05-29 16:04 被阅读0次

班级:L3-A 姓名:Lusia学号:20193000303 

日期:2020/5/29     作业序号(Writing Assignment No.):008



The pie chart shows the kinds of fruit in primary school children in New Zealand .Overall the primary school children prefer bananas and strawberries . Bananas is the most popular fruits of all , because it represents the largest proportion at 34 percent of the pie chart . Primary school children like the second fruit is strawberries and they accounts for 27 percent of the preferences .What’s more,primary school children like oranges and apples , which make up 15 percent and 14 percent of the preferences respectively . Only 7 percent of primary school children choose peaches .The less popular beverage in this survey is kiwi fruit . The percent is 3 percent .(118words )


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