Speaker: Nicholas Christakis
Key words: 社会网络 聚集效应 寡妇效应 传播 社交
Abstract: 从聚集效应和寡妇效应可见,我们的思想行为会通过社会网络传递给身边的人。社交网络的存在是有价值的,传递美好有价值的东西可以增强你的社会网络。
Introduction: The widowhood effect is the increase in the probability of a person dying a relatively short time after their long-time spouse has died.
Two simple extensions:
- the widowhood effect was not restricted to husbands and wives
- it was not restricted to pairs of people.
Instant 1: Network of obesity epidemic:
X-axis: the degrees of separation between the two people
Y-axis: the increase in the probability that a person is obese given that a social contact of theirs is obese
three possibilities:
induction(引诱)[eg: 和肥胖者一起聚餐可能会吃的更多/改变对身材的看法]
confounding(share a common exposure to something→交络 )[eg: 都参加同一个健身房所以认识]
lead to clusters of obese and non-obese individuals within the network
Instant 2: Network of emotion spread:
Social networks:
The phenomenon of clusters is caused by the spread of norm/idea within social network created by connections.And there are different patterns of connection and different location inside network.
Networks is the actual architecture of the ties around us. And it influence us in every aspect of life, smoking, drinking behavior, voting behavior, divorce and so on.
Networks have value/social capital not only beacause of individuals within them but also the structure/connections of networks [eg: graphite vs diamond]
how to sustain and nourish social networks: spread of good and valuable things(fundamental,or networks won't exsist)
