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【002】所谓断舍离|A rich life with less

【002】所谓断舍离|A rich life with less

作者: TedDigger | 来源:发表于2017-07-06 11:20 被阅读19次

Speaker:Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus

Key words:断舍离 极简 物质



  • The speaker established a blog "The minimalists " and shared a party packing story in which he packed all stuff in boxes and only use the things that is really meaningful and neccessary for him for 3 weeks, and so he found that 80% stuff just are just sitting here not used.
  • Suggestions:

Focus/舍弃对物质的迷恋[eliminate distractions and find out what you really living for]

don't work for paycheck, stuff you want to buy, but for what you love, what you really care about[but still pay the bills]


Link:Open163|official site


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    本文标题:【002】所谓断舍离|A rich life with less
