
一试译 约60字
土家酱香饼,是由恩施土家族民间面食大师,根据祖传宫廷秘方秘制, 同二十多种调料经现代科学配方精制而成,调料“风味独特”,“香酥可口” 回味无穷, 老少皆宜, 适合广大消费者口味。被称为中国式披萨。
Tujia Pizza
Tujia Pizza, a delicacy invented by a folk wheaten food master from Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomus Prefecture, South China's Hubei province. According to his ancestral royal secret recipe, he mixed more than 20 ingredients , refined by modern scientific method and then made a soy-sauce flavored pancake. A food that has a unique flavor-crisp and tasty , which will give you an endless feeling of enjoyment. It was appropriate for all ages and was very much to the tastes of consumers. Chinese Pizza.
咦,看着不难,一动笔,土家族怎么说?酱香饼怎么表达? 面食 pasta, flour, noodle, paste用哪个? 祖传? 秘制? 精制? 回味无穷?
想半天,既然文中说是中国的披萨,那抖个机灵,Tujia Pizza.
Chinadaily经常在地名后标明所在中国方向,所以我也标上。到底是South China还是Southern China? 待查找。
民间面食大师,???folk wheaten food master 怎么这么别扭,待修改。
祖传秘方, 祖先的秘密菜单,菜单怎么写来? medium? 咦,有什么奇怪的东西混进了了? secret menu.
经查找,recipe要更准确,还有formula 以前只知道公式的意思,它还有配方的意思。secret formula秘方。
祖先的ancestors' ??? 经查找,有个形容词 ancestral祖传的。
spice香料,源自植物come from plants. 形状powder或seed。 粉状或籽状,有 strong smell and taste. 味重
ingredient. 成分.尤指原料 one of the things from which sth is made. especially one of the foods that are used together to make a paticular dish.
seasoning也是调味品,作料。a substance used to add flavour to food.特指盐和胡椒
refined. ./rɪˈfʌɪnd/精致的
refine 提炼,精致。
unique 和special
It has a unique flavor: chunky and tasty , good smell.The old and kids all like it, and suit for a wide range of people. People call it Chinese Pizza.
crunchy 爽脆,firm and crisp and making a sharp sound when you bite or crush it.
crisp 酥脆 pleasantly hard and dry
bake until the pastry is golden and crisp
鲜脆,脆嫩 firm and fresh 水果和蔬菜。
回味无穷不会。 挤出个good smell. 网上查到以下说法:
make your enjoy the endless aftertastes
lead a person to endless aftertastes.
群友参考 endless recall of after taste
a taste (usually an unpleasant one)that stays in your mouth after you have eaten or drunk sth.
the flavor will left in one's mouth and on one's lips for a long time
老少皆宜 suitable for both the old and the young
suitable for people of all ages
benificial to all ages
appropriate for all ages
In line with the tastes of consumers
Satisfied most consumers' taste.
conform to sth 与……相吻合 符合,一致
be very much to the taste of the consumers.
be well received by.
找到一些不错的文章,一篇关于恩施土家族的风土人情介绍,另一篇关于各种饼的翻译。来自复旦外语栏目 复旦大学外文学院硕士研究生 周羽 的见解 让人称赞,他将酱香饼译为 soy-flavored pancake.
修改,将Hubei Province, southern China修改为South China's Hubei province.跟着日报学的。