《2018年全球幸福度报告》出炉 你选好移民目的地了吗?
1. Finland 芬兰
A report that will soon be presented to the United Nations claims to rank the happiest—and unhappiest—countries in the world, and if you're looking to make a major move, you might want to keep it handy.
2. Norway 挪威
The list is curated every year at the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a group empaneled to confront the world's myriad environmental challenges. It'll be presented to the United Nations just before World Happiness Day on March 20.
联合国可持续发展解决方案网络(Sustainable Development Solutions Network)是一家应对全球各类环境挑战的组织,每年会制定一份《全球幸福度报告》。这份报告将在“世界幸福日”也即3月20前呈交联合国。
3. Denmark 丹麦
To rank the countries, researchers measured happiness by looking at six variables: income, freedom, trust, life expectancy, social support and generosity. The countries in the top spots should come as no surprise to anyone who peeked at last year's list. Finland soared to the number one position, while Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland rounded out the top five. Aside from some minor shuffling, those countries all placed highly last year as well.
4. Iceland 冰岛
"Among the top countries, differences are small enough that that year-to-year changes in the rankings are to be expected," the report states.
5. Switzerland 瑞士
The report, which also analyzed the effects of immigration on a country's happiness, found that those who move to more desirable countries generally become happier, while a move to one of the low-ranking countries can depress a person's quality of life.
6. Netherlands 荷兰
"The most striking finding of the report is the remarkable consistency between the happiness of immigrants and the locally born," said report co-author John Helliwell in a news release. "Although immigrants come from countries with very different levels of happiness, their reported life evaluations converge towards those of other residents in their new countries."
这份报告的共同起草人约翰﹒赫利韦尔(John Helliwell)在一场新闻发布会上发言称:“在这份报告中,最引人注目的发现是移民同本地人的幸福指数惊人一致。虽然移民来自不同的国家,有着不同层次的幸福感,但他们在新的国家对生活的评估同当地居民有着趋近的特性。”
7. Canada 加拿大
And, while money is certainly a factor in determining quality of life, it is by no means the most important one, according to researchers.
8. New Zealand 新西兰
"The countries with the happiest immigrants are not the richest countries, but instead the countries with a more balanced set of social and institutional supports for better lives," the report states.
9. Sweden 瑞典
The unhappiest countries from last year once again found themselves in dismal positions. The survey of 156 countries reports that people living in Burundi are the most unhappy, while those of the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Tanzania and Yemen follow closely behind.
10. Australia 澳大利亚
The report also analyzes areas that pose a dangerous threat to quality of life, focusing specifically on three health problems within its penultimate chapters: obesity, the opioid crisis and depression, all problems that are especially acute within the U.S., which tumbled four spots to the 18th place on 2018's list.