

作者: 红云梦泽 | 来源:发表于2021-10-11 11:12 被阅读0次


    原文:if you don't quite fit in among the morning people or night owls,well, you might soon have your own, more relatable, sleep category.


    原文:Now, researchers propose two more so-called chronotypes:the "afternoon" person and the "napper". A chronotype is defined by the time of day a person is most alert and sleepiest.


    原文:A group of researchers in Belgium created and distrubuted a short online survey to over 1300 people, ages 12 to 90, asking them questions about their sleep habits and tiredness levels throughout the day.They then analyzed the results in collaboration with a group in Russia.


    短语; in collaboration with = collaborate with

    原文: They found that indeed there were 631 people who fit into one of the two well-known night and morning categories. While larks are wide awakein the morning and sleepier as the day progresses, owls are just the opposite.

    他们发现只有631人可以归入两个出名的白天和夜晚类别。 早起鸟在白天精力充沛,然后逐渐产生困倦感,猫头鹰则相反。

    原文: But they also found, based on the wakefulness-sleepiness answer, that there were 550 participants that fell into one of two other groups, the nappers and the afternoon people.


    原文: Of all the chronotypes, afernoon people wake up the sleepiest and then they become alert around 11 am,staying that way until about 11 am, after which they get really tired until about 3pm, they are alert and productive again, as was first reported by Psycholoy Today.



    原文:Still, the remaining 30% of participants didn't fall into any group.


    原文:Recognizing these categories is important because some people can benefit from afternoon nap an, you konw, the conditions for an afternoon nap are not very good in the modern society.Maybe if the nappers, for example,took a quick 10-15 minute snooze during the day, their performance would increase.




