the deputy president in Kenya said"we have heard that in the US they have allowed gay relations and other dorty things."
Obama said"yeah,I disagree with him on that,don't I? In my last trip to Africa,I was very blunt about my belief that Everybody deserves fair treatment,equal treatment in the eyes of the law and the state.And that includes gays,lesbians,trans-gender persons.I am not a fan of discrimination and bullying of anybody on the basis of race,on the basis of religion,on the basis of sexual orientation or gender."
肯尼亚的副总统曾说过 我们听说美国允许存在同性恋关系和其他肮脏的事
在国家和法律的层面上,每个人都应该得到公平公正的对待,包括男女同性恋和跨性别者。我认为种族 宗教 性取向 性别 这都不是一个人收到歧视与欺凌的理由。