English notes 17

English notes 17

作者: 趁早小迷妹 | 来源:发表于2019-01-27 07:58 被阅读0次

    《An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨》

    Sunday          January 27th, 2019    Cloudy

    Today, I learned some new  English expressions:

    No.81  9 out of 10 times 十次有九次,90%次

    stew 炖肉,炖汤

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    No.82 goof off 逃学,偷懒,混日子,不尽职

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    No.83 My dogs are barking=My feet are tired累的/sore疼痛,我的脚很累/很疼

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    No.84 To get carried away 失去理智,0得意忘形,忘乎所以

    bump肿块,cancer 癌症,dying 临死的,垂死的

    pimple 疙瘩,青春痘,丘疹

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    No.85 My diet 我的饮食

    consist of 由...组成,包括

    vegetarian 素食主义者

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    (1)off the charts 创历史新高,超出以往,爆表

    Don't go outside. The PM2.5 pollution is off the charts today.

    My cholesterol’s off the charts!我的胆固醇过高了!

    (2)keeper 值得保留的人,值得珍视的人

    His sweet nature and kindness made him a keeper. 他很体贴,很善良,值得珍视

    (3)add up 合并,加起来

    Yet over the course of the race, that small difference adds up in a big way.在比赛过程中,那些小小的不同的积累成了巨大的区别

    English notes 17



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