每日听英语108(Lesson116Every,no,any a

每日听英语108(Lesson116Every,no,any a

作者: 生命中最美的是成长 | 来源:发表于2024-06-13 00:00 被阅读0次

Lesson116 Every,no,any and some

Everyone is asleep.

Everybody is asleep.

Everything is untidy.

I looked for my pen everywhere.

Is there anyone at home?

Is there anybody at home?

Is there anything in that box?

I couldn't find my pen anywhere.

There's no one at home.

There is nobody at home.

There is nothing in this box.

Where did you go yesterday?

Nowhere.I stayed at home.

That's someone in the garden.

That's somebody in the garden.

That's something under that chair!

My glasses must be somewhere!

You're wearing them!

Lesson116 Every,no,any and some

Everyone is asleep.

Everybody is asleep.

Everything is untidy.

I looked for my pen everywhere.

Is there anyone at home?

Is there anybody at home?

Is there anything in that box?

I couldn't find my pen anywhere.

There's no one at home.

There is nobody at home.

There is nothing in this box.

Where did you go yesterday?

Nowhere.I stayed at home.

That's someone in the garden.

That's somebody in the garden.

That's something under that chair!

My glasses must be somewhere!

You're wearing them!


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      本文标题:每日听英语108(Lesson116Every,no,any a
