making habits breaking habits no

making habits breaking habits no

作者: yfractal | 来源:发表于2014-08-21 08:14 被阅读0次

* Birth of a Habit

** notes

it takes much more time and effort to make a habit

** 3 characters of habit

1. automatically

2. little emotional

3. environment

* Habit Versus Intention: An unfair Fight

Do not use intention to fight with habit------

** note

our brain "detect pattern" and try to make it as as a habit automatically

** strong habit, week habit

strong: at least onece a week

week: a few times a year

** habit creation

1. intently

2. accidently

** habit VS intention !!

habit week, intentions tended to prediet behavior

habit strong, intentions predict behavior less and less

* Your Secret Autopilot

-- why do your habits not submit to our intentions?

** note

swap choosen face experiment -- then do not carer what they have chooseen,

then just care about "choose"

unscious affect the choice -- you chose someting for some reaosn you don't know (nightgown and nylon stocking by position)

unscious doesn't affect the choice -- a story be cut down part, but we have same judge

may this is not about unscious, it is about information, it is about morals



      本文标题:making habits breaking habits no
