Day11, Page114-125

Day11, Page114-125

作者: Luca地球之旅 | 来源:发表于2017-06-15 17:00 被阅读0次

Part 1 字词

1、I saw Archie Kelly getting hassled in the hallway after fifth period today,...

get hassle 有麻烦

例句:Try not to get into a hassle with this guy.

造句:I get hassle from my parents will stop worrying about my romantic life.

2、Dad told me to start my wish list over and pick some toys that were more ''appropriate" for boys.

appropriate 适当的,恰当的

例句:The teacher can then take appropriate action.

造句:This metaphor is very appropriate.

3、...and he said he'd hook me up.

hook up 联合,同盟,[俚语]结婚


例句:He brought it down, hooked it up, and we got the generator going.

造句:Don't warry, I;ll hook you up.

4、I think this is the fourth year in a row.

in a row 一连; 成一行; 一字儿; 接连;=one after the other

例句:It is the sixth month in a row in which imports have fallen.

造句:I count and see how many trees there are in a row.

5、Whenever someone opens a gift, Dad swoops right in and cleans up after them.

swoop in: 乘虚而入;突然进入

例句:He glances up and down the street, as if the police are about to swoop in and surround the hawkers.

造句:he were swoop in and yelled out me.

Part 2 仿写

1、All I can say is, I’m glad I’m still a kid, because if I had to act happy about the kinds of gifts grown-ups get, I don’t think I could pull it off.

句式:All I can say is 我只能说...

造句:All I can say is, it's what I expected.

2、He hold me to either throw it out or give it away to charity.



造句:He must be either mad or drunk.

Part 3 日记

Be honest with you, today when I made this reading notes, I give it up almost. Maybe summer a hot season, it had screwed things up, maybe more of my reasons. Learning process is lonely, it need more patient. Needless to say, nothing but perseverance can lead people to the way of success, so, let's put in a little more effort.



      本文标题:Day11, Page114-125
