

作者: 静等花开abc | 来源:发表于2023-05-15 22:25 被阅读0次

旁白:A man came to buy melons

华强:Man, how much is this melon?

摊主:Two yuan a kilo.

华强:(What’up )Fuck, is the melon skin made of gold, or is the melon particle made of gold?

摊主:Look, where are the melons now? These are all melons in the greenhouse. You're too expensive and I'm too expensive.

华强:Is this melon cooked?

摊主:I run a fruit stall. Can I sell you raw melons and eggs?

华强:Let me ask you, is this melon cooked?

摊主:You're making a mistake, aren't you? Do you want it!

华强:Pick one for me

摊主:OK,how about this?

华强:I must have your melon cooked. What if it's not familiar?

摊主:Hey, if I'm not familiar with it, I'll eat it myself. Are you satisfied?

15 Jin, 30 yuan.

华强:How can you get 15 Jin? You have a problem.

摊主:You TM deliberately find fault, don't you?

Do you want it? Do you want it?

华强:Magnet, besides what you said, if the melon is raw, you can swallow it yourself.

摊主:You TM chop my melon, don't you?

生异形的哥们:Kill, kill.

路人:Hua Qiang, eh Hua Qiang


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