
作者: 不是猫 | 来源:发表于2017-12-05 23:52 被阅读0次

In this chapter, the authoor gives us a broad picture of Su's homeland 眉山 and people out there as well as a glimpse of his families and up-bringing. To put him in perspective,the question is who is Su? What is his origin?

Equally amazing is the fact that, starting at the late age of twenty-seven, he did achieve such a high literary fame, a fame which was by no means totally eclipsed by his brilliant sons.



transitive often passive

■to make another person or thing seem much less important, good or famous掩没…的重要性(或优点、声誉等);凌驾…之上;光芒盖过…

•The economy has eclipsed all other issues during this election campaign.这次大选期间,经济问题成为压倒性的重大议题。

This is usually pointed out to young children as an example to prove that with determination and industry, success always awaits a man; though a bright child might deduce the opposite conclusion that one did not have to begin to study in childhood.

The intellectual brilliance of this illiterate old man, which lay dormant in his blood, was to blossom forth in all its power and glory in his son's sons.

作动词用时,通常表示“兴旺”、“发展”,后面加上into就是“发展成为”。【例如】The girl blossomed into a beautiful woman. 女孩子发育成为一个美丽的女子。但不一定指的是好事,有时候不好的事也可以用这个动词。【例如】That is blossoming into a public relations nightmare. 那件事正在发展成为一场公关噩梦。

lie dormant

■If something lies dormant, it is not active潜伏,潜藏

•Her talent might have lain dormant had it not been for her aunt's encouragement.如果不是姑姑鼓励她,她的才能可能现在还不会被挖掘出来。

be given to sth

['gɪv.ən] adjective


■to do something regularly or as a habit 经常做;习惯于

•She was given to staying in bed till lunchtime.她常常在床上呆到吃午餐时才起来。


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