美文网首页英语点滴活在当下 享受生活


作者: 快乐有你_1ec8 | 来源:发表于2019-04-08 09:04 被阅读1次

Do you want to go partying tonight?

No, I 'm so tired after so much work.

Come on,we'll have fun!


I think we should go home. It's late.

I don't wanna go home. The party is so fun.

Aren't you tired?

Not at all. I feel like I could dance all night.

You are so energetic.

Yeah, I 'm still young.


I am going to buy her a present.

Me ,too.

What about we buy something for her together?

That would be great.

I like this book, it's popular.

Ok,we can buy it for her.



The Spring Festival is coming.

Yes, I can't wait to go home.

Me too. I just booked a train ticket yesterday.

Good for you.

I'm still waiting for the flight prices to go down.

Trust me,the price only goes up these days.

If that's the case, I'll take the high-speed train.

When are you gonna leave?

I plan to leave two days before the holiday.

To avoid the Spring Festival travel rush?

Right, and I miss my mom's cooking so much!


What a nice day!

Yeah,it's so warm.

A lot of people are talking photos.

Let's take a selfie

Make it brighter.

Looks great. Send it to me later

How about feeding the fish over there

With what ?

Bread! I haven't finished it for breakfast

Hope the fish can bring us luck.



Do you know the Little Prince ?

Of course. I love it very much.

I just finished reading it yesterday

Did you like it ?

Yes. The Little Prince loved his rose so much.

The plot is simple but meaningful.

Right. That's why it's so popular.

I'm gonna read it to my nephew.

You can show him the movie as well.


Hey, do you wanna hear something about Wendy?


Wendy got a boyfriend.

Oh my god! What does he look like?

They say he's pretty cute.

And he was popular in college.

How did they know each other?

They met at a bookstore.

Wow, it sounds so romantic!

Right! I think they're a perfect match.

Yeah. I'm so happy for her.

She's bringing him to tomorrow's party.

Great, I can't wait to meet him.



Enjoy your life. Just do it. If you want to do that, you can do it.


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