2018.7.11 Phrases

作者: Wenchao | 来源:发表于2018-07-11 13:31 被阅读12次

a whole other
A whole other means different or separate.
It requires a whole other set of people skills to work cooperatively, but it's well worth the effort.
It is clear that pulling out immediately would create a whole other set of problems.''

as soon as
As soon as means immediately or shortly thereafter.
They have to replant the seedbeds as soon as possible.
As soon as we were inside, we realised the full extent of conflict.

bogged down
To get bogged down means to be prevented from making progress.
ADJ if you get bogged down in something, it prevents you from making progress or getting something done.
Example : But why get bogged down in legal details ?

brand new [Easy]
Brand new means completely new and unused.

cost him his job [Easy]
Cost him his job describes losing a paid occupation due to an indiscretion, error, or inability.

converse is the more universal term for talking

  1. converse with sb (formal) to have a conversation with sb 交谈,谈话
  2. the opposite or reverse of a fact or statement 相反的事物

let their hair down
Let their hair down means to be informal or relaxed.

might as well
Might as well is used to suggest doing something when there's nothing better to do.

put a sock in it
Put a sock in it means to stop talking

stick in the mud
Stick in the mud refers to someone who is dull old fashioned.

Tailor-made means to be specifically created for a particular purpose or person.

foot in the door
To get one's foot in the door means to get an early opportunity

for granted
Take for granted means to value something too lightly

gainfully employed
To be gainfully employed means to have consistent work and income.

grain of salt
Grain of salt means to be skeptical or not completely believe something.

kick it to the curb
Kick it to the curb means to dismiss something

level the playing field
Level the playing field means to make a situation fair for all.

off the record
Off the record means a statement made that can't be reported

tried-and-true / trite-and-true
Tried-and-true means an idea was tested and is valid.
Trite-and-true means an idea lack originality.


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    本文标题:2018.7.11 Phrases
