流利说 D51 2018-08-17 五

流利说 D51 2018-08-17 五

作者: 西特西 | 来源:发表于2018-08-17 21:22 被阅读127次



  • Vocabulary - "Historical[历史的] Figures[人物/画像/身材/数字]"

1、Mozart was already composing music by the age of five.[By the age of five he was already composing music.]

2、Her family ruled Egypt for more than 100 years before she was born.

3、Gandhi dedicated[奉献] his life to the pursuit[n.追求] of truth.

  • dedicate yourself/something to something "把(自己、一生等/时间、精力等)献给某物"
  • be dedicated to something "致力于某物/献身于某物"

4、Mozart started writing music as a young child.

5、She wrote some of the most popular love stories of all time.

6、As a youth, Alexander was taught by the Greek philosopher Aristotle[亚里士多德].

7、She used her beauty and charm[n.魅力/优雅/-/ v.迷人] to gain power.

8、She was known for her great beauty and charming[迷人的] voice.['be known for']

9、Born in 1756, Mozart composed and performed some of the world's greatest classical music.

10、Cleopatra[埃及艳后] was one of the most famous female rulers in history.

  • One of the most famous female rules in history, Cleopatra had affairs with Julius Caesar and later with Mark Antony[埃及艳后与朱利叶斯凯撒和后来的马克安东尼有过交往].

11、Gandhi used nonviolent[adj.非暴力的] resistance[n.抵制/抵抗] to lead India to independence.

  • Mahatma Gandhi was a 20th century leader who used nonviolent resistance to lead India to independence.

12、The British writer, Jane Austen, was born in England in 1775.



  • Dialogue - "An Urgent[紧急的] Call"

1、It's urgent that I speak with him.

2、Give me your number and I'll let him know about your call.

3、Would you like to leave a voice message?

4、I'd like to speak with Mr. Bennett please.

5、It would be great if he could call me within the next half hour.

6、It's very personal, so I can't give you any details.


  • W: I'm sorry, but he's not here right now. Would you like to leave a voice message?

  • W: Oh, I see. What kind of emergency?

  • W: Without more details, I'm afraid I can't give you his number. Give me your number and I'll let him know about your call. Then maybe he'll call you back. Would that be okay?



  • Dialogue - "Settling[v.解决/结清/看上/解释] the Bill"

1、This time it's my turn to pay.

2、If it comes down with heads facing up, I'll pay.

3、Thanks for the offer, but I can handle it.

4、They are going to flip[v.翻动/弹/发呆/-/ adj.轻率的] a coin.

  • "flip a coin"-“投掷硬币”
  • I'll flip it up in the air./ Wait! Let's flip for it!

5、On side of a coin is heads and the opposite side is tails[n.尾巴/氂/-/v.尾随].


1、I'm ready for the check.

2、He can get the cash at an ATM down the street.

3、The bank is closed, but you can use the ATM to get your cash.

4、Would you like to see the dessert[甜点] menu?

5、There's a bank down the street, sir.

6、Do you want anything else sir?

7、He has to leave his driver's license[n.许可证/肆意] with the waiter.


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