

作者: 自由自在慢教练 | 来源:发表于2021-02-24 00:09 被阅读0次







pervert conversant straggle impede reverence archaic Flounder strudge jeer apposite sleazy stint revere hypocrisy pernicious furtive nag rake chivalry idyllic malignant provisional pragmatic neurotic deprecate brash atrocious maul devious salient delirious incubate gratuitous maniac abase quash fortuitous intersperse

Aisha in Ontario

Right at the moment when it turned into the new year, the winter panted and jerked to splash loads of snow to the domine beside the lake of Ontario.  From the beginning of this February, it had snowed a lot in southern Ontario. Today is the 5th streak of days with daily precipitation over 10cm. On the hill, which is across the street facing the school, sumac trees straggled here and there while blue jays and cardinals meet and sing in spring. Sometimes, mourning jays and house finch join as well, but not often found.  But now, snowdrifts interspersed in the schoolyard, where the big linden trees, firs and spruces covered by heavy snow, glowed in the afternoon, when the wanly sunshine managed to make a show to the kids on their way school.

Aisha tumbled in the snow while holding a cellphone in her right hand. She'd been on her phone talking with Melinda for a while. The talks was not about who has a crash on someone in school, but about a frightened dream that drove her delirious since last week. Aisha was looking for an apposite listener who wouldn't judge her as a neurotic or sleazy lad. For some back luck, it is quite usual in school these days. With a fortuitous luck, she discovered Melinda and found her really generous in showing her empathy and understanding with a gratuitous manner to her misgiving.

Aisha, 5'4'', 13 year old,  a long curly black hair glistened on her shoulder, a typical figure from mid-Asian ancestors, has been one of the best student in her Math class. That is what Mu jeered about. No matter what, school kids see Math as a monster who mauled kids to death.  Even Melinda deprecated herself a lot cause her score in Math was never gone over 71 compared to Aisha's 87. And, in school, kids are atrocious and pernicious like predators in the jungle of prehistory. They crashed others' dreams by terrible words. Specifically, revere to some who has attempted to achieve academic success is not likely to happen. The only reverence that students offer is to the ones who dare to break rules.  Aisha is so conversant about this all along.

Aisha love reading too. Her mind somehow wandered in scenes that she saw in the history books. So does Melinda. They wrote stories about chivalry in an idyllic way.  Melinda once even did a stint of a job as an online story writer.  It was a provisional passionate thing, as Melinda mentioned. In fact, she found it pragmatic in terms of making a good money.  Yes, money stands in to impede both of their journey of discovering.  And she spent hours and hours polishing her writing. "The maniac impulse to write and write well is as malignant as cancer", she claimed.  "-I couldn't sleep even, cuz the stories entrenched in my mind at all time", she added.

Agree with her friend, Aisha knew her dream was not a mind-wondering or anything similar. It felt so true. She pondered and said to herself. She is conversant about the history of the Dark Age.  There were deserts, tent, archaic furnitures, prophet, warriors, perverts too... she rambled. Sometime, she saw herself dying in her dream. "um....water..." her mind flashed back while she found herself floundering.  And over time, she recognized a time of hypocrisy, just when she first learned the word as she was watching her parents being sneaky and furtive. But still they nag a lot.


Sometimes she wanted to go back her dream too. In her dream, she saw snow too, but in a desert, atrocious warriors fighting besides her, monsters and animals mauled injured people. And she beheld their death. She must be delirious, but feels living...



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