

作者: MABEL梅 | 来源:发表于2018-04-09 20:08 被阅读35次

by mabel zhang,20180408

The analyst's use of his reverie experience, his waking dreamlife, is indispensable to the analysis of the intersubjective analytic third. Since the jointly but asymmetrically constructed (and individually experienced) analytic third is dynamically unconscious, it cannot be invaded by sheer force of will.


Instead, the analyst must adopt indirect associational methods in working with derivatives of what is happening unconsciously between himself and the patient (just as Freud [1900] developed his own undirected free association technique to "catch the drift" [Freud 1923, p. 239] of the unconscious in his own, and later in his patients', dream experience).


For the analyst, an indispensable source of experiential data concerning the leading unconscious transference counter transference anxiety at any given moment in an analytic session is available in the form of his reverie experience. Part of what makes the analyst's reverie experience so difficult to work with is the fact that it is not "framed/* as dreams are framed, by waking states.


Reverie experience seamlessly melts into other more focused psychic states. The analyst's reveries usually feel to him like an intrusion of his own current fatigue, narcissistic self-absorption, preoccupations, unresolved emotional conflicts, and so on.


Despite these difficulties, I find that my reverie experience serves as an emotional compass that I rely on heavily (but cannot clearly read) in my effort to gain my bearings about what is going on unconsciously in the analytic relationship.


Treating my reveries as a waking dream-life that draws not only on my own unconscious experience, but also on the unconscious experience co-created with the analysand, is

fundamental to my conception of the psychoanalytic process. As an analyst, I am not so much looking for the shape as being available to any shape that may be summoning itself through me from the self not mine but ours. (Ammons 1986, p. 61)

把我的幻想当作一种清醒的梦境生活(白日梦)—不仅依靠我自己的无意识体验,而且也基于与分析者共同创造的无意识体验,这对我的心理分析过程的理念至关重要。 作为一名分析师,我更在意通过我们这个主体而唤起的任何可以利用的(无意识体验),而不那么追求只是通过我自己的自体而凸显的部分(安蒙斯1986,61页)

Poetry and fiction have become increasingly important to me over the years, not only as sources of pleasure, but also as sources of disturbance. These experiences with poems and fictions are an integral part of who I am in every sector of my life, including my ongoing effort to become a psychoanalyst.


In this volume, I will attempt to convey a sense of how living (being alive) at the frontier of dreaming is not only an art, but the lifeblood of art itself. Although we all dream (both in sleep and in waking), not all dreams and reveries are equally artful. The success of art reflects the success of the individual in bringing his artistic medium to life and his life to his medium, whether that medium be lines of charcoal or lines of tilled soil or lines of poetry.


In terms of the present discussion, the life—the vitality—of our dream life (and every

other aspect of being alive) can be thought to reflect the fullness of the conversation with ourselves at the frontier of dreaming. I sometimes think of the outcome of an analysis, in terms of the degree to which analysand (and analyst) come to be able to carry on richer, more interesting, livelier conversations with themselves (both in sleep and in waking life), and consequendy with each other.


Or is it the other way around? Is it the enhanced richness of the conversation between analyst and analysand at the frontier of dreaming that enriches the conversation that each has with himself? Of course, we need not choose between the two.




