MARKS & CO., Booksellers
84, Charing Cross Road
London, W.C. 2
20th September, 1950
Miss Helene Hanff
14 East 95th Street
New York 28, New York
Dear Miss Hanff,
It is such a long time since we wrote
to you I hope you do not think we have
forgotten all about your wants.
Anyway, we now have in stock the
Oxford Book of English Verse, printed on
India paper, original blue cloth binding,
1905, inscription in ink on the flyleaf but
a good secondhand copy, price $2.00.
We thought we had better quote before
sending, in case you have already purchased
a copy.
Some time ago you asked us for Newman’s
Idea of a University. Would you be
interested in a copy of the first edition?
We have just purchased one, particulars as
NEWMAN (JOHN HENRY, D.D.) Discourses on
the Scope and Nature Of University
Education, Addressed to the Catholics
of Dublin. First edition, 8vo. calf,
Dublin, 1852. A few pages a little
age-stained and spotted but a good copy
in a sound binding. Price—$6.00
In case you would like them, we will
put both books on one side until you have
time to reply.
With kind regards,
Yours faithfully,
Frank Doel
Oxford Book of English Verse 《牛津英语诗选》
Newman’s Idea of a Universit 纽曼的《大学论》
Discourses on the Scope and Nature Of University Education 《大学教育之目的及其本质》
Catholics of Dublin 都柏林天主教会
8vo 八开
quarto 四开
octavo = 8vo 八开
sextodecimo = 16mo十六开
