Coach Shane《Daily Easy English E

Coach Shane《Daily Easy English E

作者: 海嶽之雲 | 来源:发表于2019-10-06 17:08 被阅读0次


101 (to) make ends meet.


用法:Expenses(outgoing money) >Incoming(incoming money) =>I cannot make ends meet. 我不能令两端相等。

A: I think I'll need a part-time job.

B: You already work!

A: But I can't make ends meet.

B: Why don't you try cutting out things like cable TV?

102 ordering take-out


用法:take-out=>food that can take out from the restaurant

A: I'm ordering take-out!

B: From where?

A: Monkey Burgers.

B: Get me a cheeseburger and a chocolate shake.

103 I'm rather upset~


用法:(to be) rather upset/angry... rather指表面看上去有点..,但实际上应该是非常...

A: I just found out I was adopted.

B: You must be shocked~

A: Well, I'm rather upset.

B: I would be, too.

104 I'm perplexed.


用法:(to be) perplexed... =>very confused.

A: You look perplexed.

B: Yeah... was that a man or a woman?

A: Oh, you mean Pat?

B: Yeah~

A: I'm note sure, either, actually!

105 Keep it PG!


用法:Keep it PG!=>Keep it clean! 来源于电影分级制度 G-General, PG-Parental Guidance, R-Restricted, X-Explicit.

A: Don't look over there.

B: Why? What's going on?

A: Two people are kissing. GROSS!

B: Oh~ Keep it PG!

106 a typo


用法:a typo=>a typing mistake

A: "Thanks you"? You made a typo.

B: Oh, thanks! Do you see any others?

A: Um...nope. Looks good.

B: Click~Sent! Thank you for your help.

107 sooner or later


用法:sooner or later=>eventually

A: Do you see my lighter?

B: You haven't quit smoking yet?

A: I will. Sooner or later.

B: Yeah. Sooner or later it'll kill you.

108 Go figure!


用法:go figure=>who could guess

A: You've lived in Korea for over 20 years?

B: Yeah! Go figure~

A: Are you gonna stay forever?

B: I'm not sure!

The banks are LOSING billions of dollars but the bankers are still getting HUGE bonuses...go figure.

When I exercise at the gym, I get tired RIGHT away. But, when I go shopping, I can go ALL day!! Go figure.

My son is TOO full to eat his carrots. BUT he has room enough to eat CAKE... Go figure.

109 Is A considered B


用法:Is A considered B=>Is a tomato considered a fruit?

A: Is a McDonald's Salad considered healthy?

B: It's a salad!

A: But it's from McDonald's.

B: My guess is it's healthy.

110 In my book


用法:in my book=>in my opinion

A: Katy Perry is SUCH a good singer.

B: In my book, she's not a singer AT ALL.

A: Then who's a good singer?

B: Hmm... Freddie Mercury was a good singer.

111 Who are you? Einstein?


用法:用Who are you?/What are you?后面加一个名人。1. 你的一个博学的朋友让你生气,你回那一句Who are you? Einstein? 在这里是负面的意思。2. 另一个用法则是正面的意思,表示惊叹!

A: How can I fall in love?

B: Well, you need to stimulate your brain.

A: What?

B: You need an increase in dopamine and norepinephrine which will make you feel "love.

A: Who are you? Einstein?

112 Beats me


用法:不能用在正式的场合。Means I don't know

A: Is Pluto still condisered a planet?

B: Beats me.

A: Well, in my book it is.

B: Who are you? Carl Sagan?

113 (to) bite the dust


用法:to bite the dust=to die/broke/doesn't work anymore, 不单单是用在人身上,也可以用在物身上。但是不用用这个短语来表示“你的父亲去世了”或者其他你非常尊敬的人。

A: Where is your friend?

B: What?

A: Your MP3 player! You're always listening to it~

B: I dropped it, and it bite the dust~~

114 Bite me!


用法:Bite me=> go to hell, leave me alone, forget about it

A: Are you sick?

B: Bite me~

A: What? You look pale...

B: Ugh! I just found out my girlfriend is seeing someone else!

115 No ifs, ands or buts!


用法:No ifs, ands or buts!=Don't make any excuses

A: I want that report on my desk by 5.

B: 5? It's 4 o'clock now.

A: No ifs, ands or buts. 5.

B: Alright.

116 Damned if do_damned if I don't!



A: Are you going to the company dinner?

B: If I go, my wife will be mad. If I don't go, the boss will be mad~

A: You're damned if you do, damned if you don't!

B: Damn it...

117 hard to beat~


用法:hard to beat=>hard to defeat=>sth is the best

A: Who do you think will win the match?

B: Between Spain and the US?

A: Yeah.

B: Spain will be hard to beat!

118 out of the blue


用法:out of the blue=>out of the clear blue sky=>suddenly sth appears,out of发音接近outta。

A: You're all wet.

B: I know! Out of the blut it started to rain~

A: It rained?

B: Yes! It totally surprised everyone~

119 low-key


用法:low-key=>to be low-key,一般用来形容颜色,冷色调,可以用来形容人,低调。

A: My favorite actor is Tom Hanks.

B: Why's that?

A: He's great on-screen and low-key off-screen.

B: You're right! He's never in the news like Lady Gaga!

120 What do you say we..


用法:What do you say we..=>Let's do sth../How about doing sth?

A: I'm bored.

B: What do you say we watch a movie?

A: Sure! What do you wanna see?

B: How about... Titanic?

121 another nail in the coffin


用法:another nail in the coffin=the final nail in the coffin, coffin是棺材的意思,a bad future of sb's health/sth。不好的趋势。

A: The iPhone 4 power cable doesn't work on the iPhone 5.

B: That's stupid.

A: This is another nail in their coffin.

B: They're not doing well since Steve Jobs dies...

122 high-profile


用法:high-profile, low-key的反义词。

A: We need to grow our classes.

B: Yes. We need to be more high-profile.

A: Any ideas on how we do that?

B: Buy everyone who joins a free car?

123 It spoke to me~


用法:It spoke to me~=> the song spoke to me/ influenced me

A: This painting is SO ugly. Why did you buy it?

B: It spoke to me.

A: What did it say?

B: No! Look at it. It shows the meaning of life...

124 Grow up!


用法:Grow up!=>Be c(don't act like a child)

A: Are you playing a video game?

B: No. It's a simulation game.

A: Grow up!

B: Look at you! Wearing "Hello Kitty" pajamas.

125 He's mature for his age.


用法:mature 可以分为身体上的成熟和精神上的成熟。

A: Is your daughter reading Shakespeare?

B: Yeah! She loves that stuff!

A: Isn't she like...8 years old?

B: Yeah! She's mature for her age!



      本文标题:Coach Shane《Daily Easy English E
