【E-cubed】009 I'm gonna stock up

【E-cubed】009 I'm gonna stock up

作者: haha21 | 来源:发表于2020-05-09 23:12 被阅读0次

跟着Coach Shane老师学英语,先从E-Cubed(Daily Easy English Expression)开始,坚持学习记录,字幕整理,有错误望指正~


Hi everybody, today's e-cubed expression is pretty useful, especially if you are going to the grocery store or the wholesale mart or some big discount retailer. The expression id I'm gonna stock up on. I'm going to. We talk about that last week. I'm going to stock up on something. So for example, I'm going to stock up on beer. Why can I only think of beer? Another one, I'm going to stock up on bread. Why bread? I don't know. What do I buy? When I go to the store, actually I'm going to stock up on frozen veggies, frozen vegetables, what does this mean?


I'm gonna, I'm gonna stock up on(三个单词连读). I'm gonna stock up on beer. I'm gonna stock up on bread. I'm gonna stock up on frozen vegetables. What does that mean? That means I'm going to buy a lot. I'm going to buy a lot. I'm going to stock up on something, something, something. I'm going to buy a lot of something. That's it. So it can be little things. I'm going to stock up on candy. I'm going to stock up on cigarettes. I'm going to stock up on coca-cola. I'm going to stock up on books. I'm going to buy a lot of something. ok, it's pretty simple expression. The pronunciation again. I'm gonna. The most coming, I'm gonna stock up on(三个单词连读). I'm gonna stock up on whatever, it's up to you. You make your own sentence, and now you practice the next dialog.
A: What are you getting at the store?
B: I'm gonna stock up on water.
A: What about cookies?
B: Those, too!
Oh, this dialog done already, sorry, I just went to the store. I'm going to stock up toilet paper, because you never know I might need extra toilet paper. Yeah, see you tomorrow.

1、读音: stock up on 三个单词连读
2、grocery store 杂货店,常用语指supermaket wholesale mart 批发市场
3、retailer 零售商,零售店 sentence句子 extra 额外的
4、especially actually
5、frozen veggie冷冻蔬菜 cigarette 香烟 coca-cola可口可乐
6、句子: it's up to you. 由你决定
7、this dialog done already句子中的 done already有一个连读



    本文标题:【E-cubed】009 I'm gonna stock up
