

作者: 痴眠不读一行书 | 来源:发表于2023-05-12 22:46 被阅读0次

    1.I belong to myself.我属于我自己。#《吸血鬼日记》

    2.Nobody else gets to tell you what your story is.没人能定义你。#《马男波杰克》

    3.Love is beautiful.love is wonderful.爱很美好.也很奇妙.#《公主与青蛙》

    4.Trust takes time.建立信任需要时间。#《真探》

    5.You need to take responsibility for your life.你应该对自己的人生负责。#《乐高蝙蝠侠大电影》

    6.The wealth is measured in friendships.友情是最大的财富。#《飞出个未来大电影4:绿色狂想》

    7.Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.人生的转机有时候就得靠一次疯狂的举动。#《阿凡达》

    8.You are the one who can fill the world with sunshine.是你让世界每一处都充满了阳光。#《白雪公主和七个小矮人》

    9.Everybody has their dreams.人人都有自己的梦想。#《燃情克利夫兰》

    10.We get to decide how we should live.要怎么活着,由我们自己做主。#《地球王子》

    11.The most ordinary person can change the world.平凡之人亦能改变世界。#《神秘博士》

    12.Follow your instincts and do what you think is right.听从自己的直觉,做正确之事。#《吸血鬼日记》

    13.Growth brings change.发展带来变化。#《黄石》

    14.Real love is always worth waiting for.真爱永远值得等待。#今日情人节

    15.Focus on the details.注意细节。#《神盾局特工》

    16.Nobody can do everything.没有人是万能的。#《豪斯医生》

    17.We can help each other.我们可以帮助彼此。#《蚁人3》

    18.Change can be good sometimes有时候,改变是件好事。#《牧场趣事》

    19.You must be yourself.要做自己。#《维京传奇》

    20.I want to do something important.我想做点有意义的事。#《马男波杰克》

    21.Everyone is specialin their own way.每个人都是独一无二的。#《南方公园》

    22.My life is amazing.我的生活很精彩。#《老爸老妈的浪漫史》

    23.Make your own happiness.创造属于自己的幸福吧。#《马男波杰克》 

    24.We all have our talents.我们各有天赋.#《刑房》

    25.Nothing's more important than learning about who and what you are.没什么比了解自己更重要了。#《离家童盟》

    26.There can be no destination without a journey.没有当日起点,何来今日终点。#《瑞克和莫蒂》

    hout a journey.没有当日起点,何来今日终点。#《瑞克和莫蒂》

    27.It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.无畏得失,方能自由。#《搏击俱乐部》

    28.Friends help each other out.守望相助,才是朋友。#《路西法》



