Day12_ 甘比英文拓展写作- 甘比猫音乐剧片段 本次写作目的: 1、结合场景设置(静态描写的功夫)和人物动作;...
In what looks like an deserted storage place or car-dispo...
In this 4 mins’ jolly show, we got to know the story of J...
1.故事梗概 2.几个细节 3.场景布置 4.人物分析
midnight, venue scene1: A black and white male cat sing a...
As the soothing background music, a drowsy and comfortabl...
Today I am going to describe part of the musical named Gu...
How to train the mice as professional actors or actress. ...
On the stage of a big theater, there are some human bei...
本文标题:甘比英文拓展写作- 甘比猫音乐剧片段-Sharon