说唱歌手Kanye West最近几周一直是新闻头条人物。源于他在周二接受TMZ的采访中称美国奴隶制是一种“选择”。而他当时的评论引起了一位黑人工作人员Van Lathan的愤怒回应,称Kanye West是一个没有思想的人。 这引发了来自粉丝,同行艺术家和其他社交媒体的批评。而一些Rapper也对Kanye West有关奴隶制的言论做出了回应。
“When you hear about slavery for 400 years ... For 400 years? That sounds like a choice”。
“You were there for 400 years and it's all of y'all. It's like we're mentally imprisoned”。
Kanye West 接受TMZ的采访
自Kanye West的奴隶制言论引起轩然大波后,他发布了一系列推文,试图澄清,并称他因为提出新的想法而受到“攻击”。
“To make myself clear. Of course I know that slaves did not get shackled and put on a boat by free will. My point is for us to have stayed in that position even though the numbers were on our side means that we were mentally enslaved”。
“The reason why I brought up the 400 years point is because we can't be mentally imprisoned for another 400 years. We need free thought now. Even the statement was an example of free thought. It was just an idea. Once again I am being attacked for presenting new ideas”。
难道Kanye West是为了销售唱片而引起争议?因为他将在6月1日发行一张7首歌曲的新专辑,他会期待大家下载他的全新作品,他可能认为他在推广新专辑方面做的很好。而据Kanye West身边的人透漏,他的错误言论可能是因为停止使用药物而造成的。Kanye West每天服用三种药丸,他正在自我调节并减少自己的剂量以达到每周只服用一两丸。
Kanye West - Lift Yourself
Lift YourselfKanye West - Lift Yourself
Kanye West - Ye Vs The People
Ye Vs The PeopleKanye West - Ye Vs The People(Clean)
Kanye West - Niggas In Paris
Niggas In ParisJay-Z - Watch The Throne(Deluxe Version)
Kanye West - Mercy
Kanye West - POWER
由于Kanye West对奴隶制的错误言论可能会让他付出代价。一份新的请愿书已开始在互联网上发起,敦促Adidas与Kanye West断绝合作关系。目前约有700人签署了请愿书,目标是10,000人。
美国黑人面临着许多问题,如教育,就业和财富方面的差距,即使立法改变其地位,黑人也没有获得弥合这些差距的机会。可以肯定的是,Kanye West的言论是无知的,他侮辱了每一代非裔美国人的祖先,他们因为被奴役而献出血,汗水,泪水和生命。