PET May 26th每日一练:
1. teenager 青少年
2. unless 除非
3. disappear 消失
4. official 官方的
5. within 在…期间
6. up to 多达
7. within 在…期间
8. a range of 一系列的
9. opportunity 机会
10. film 胶卷,电影
11. contact 联系
12. approve 赞同
13. disapprove 反对
14. ground floor 一楼
15. basement 地下室
16. historical places 历史古迹
17. public transport 公共交通
18. positive 积极的
19. display 展示
20. sculpture 雕塑
21. exhibition 展览,展品
22. hire 租用
23. accomondation 食宿
24. rent 出租
25. aeroplane 飞机
26. essential 基础的
Essential supplies could be delivered to these towns by boat. 基础供给能用船送给这些小镇。
27. disease 疾病
The disease could be cured. 这个疾病是能被治愈的。
28. member 成员
29. refuse 拒绝
30. destination 目的地
May 27th 每日一练
1. serious
2. take part in competitions 参加比赛
3. keep fit 健身
4. communicate online 在线沟通
5. a member of a local gym 当地健身房的一名会员
6. at least 至少
7. outdoor 户外
8. cycle 骑自行车
9. rather than 而不是
10. pay a fee 交费
翻译句子: He wants to pay each time he visits the gym rather than paying a fee to become a member.
11.route 路线
翻译句子:There are 3 cycle routes.
12. encourage 鼓励
翻译:This is a free government website that encourages people to keep fit.
13. as soon as possible 越快越好
翻译:Let me know as soon as possible.
14. worth 值得
翻译:They feel it is particularly worth buying.
15. fortnight 14天
翻译:You have up to fortnight to decide if you wish to keep the books you have ordered.
16. conference 会议
17. require 需要
英译中: Several meeting rooms are required. 需要一些会议室
18. wedding party 婚礼
19. retirement 退休
20. traditional 传统的
21. hire 租用,雇佣
22. private 死人的
23. refreshment 点心
24. available 提供
英译中: We have no restaurant,but light refreshments are avialble.
25. decorate 装饰,装修
英译中:The restaurant is decorated to look and sound like a rainforest.
26. live music 现场音乐
27. formal dinner 正式的晚宴
28. interruption 打断
29. date from 始于
30. menu 菜单
31. special offer 特价