

作者: HouseKwan | 来源:发表于2020-05-23 20:58 被阅读0次

“Okay, can we get a description of her? Can you get description on the  walkie-talkie . ”

“ Sure, sure…um, Ok , she’s Chinese, medium build…um… she’s wearing a sleeveless denim skirt…oh…dress…um…pink scarf, she’s got long hair off the shoulders…um…but she probably tie up it a ponytail right now: that’s what she would do when she feel anxious.”


“And…um… she’s got a beautiful smile…and…being tricked giggle over silly things. Most people dream of being special, she’s the only person I know struggling to hide uniqueness, who would easy lose in the crowd unless you’re standing in a stilled and boundless space that…then that her light radiates and fills up the space. She gives me peace, so please find her for me.”

“I think that’s her coming towards us.”


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