
作者: smurfsss | 来源:发表于2016-12-19 23:09 被阅读0次

       It's the last month of 2016,i was a senior high school student in the first half of year,and then latter half  undergo the gaokao which had become a undergraduate.

      But unfortunately the college that i in isn't what I wanna be ,and I am really hit the rock-bottom it's like no future for me which i was considered to drop out the school cause it  cast a lot to go to the private university ,In fact the most significant reason is I don't think the college worth that much money and till now I still think does not worth.

      Those days isn't the hardest ,I was convince myself to accept  the fact so was my father did ,he said :"There's alternative which one you going to college and work ,and turns out I chosen the first cause I have no skill and don't wanna work for living ,i am very sensitive that I have poetry and distance inside like gaoxiaoson's word so I decide to  go ,but when actually here the college OMG but if I get starting with this it will be long story with lot of complaints and as teacher lixiaolai said complain  is   expression of weakness and incompetent so cut long story short this college totally opposite than I thought and made me anxiety and depressed but a book completely changed me and that's 【把时间当作朋友】,thought  the book I connected the past and future, i am keep learn stuffs is just not help in the Gaokao but it help me become a better person and now i am reborn ,I
join a group named super individualism and never talk without take action ,I got something meaningful things and goals to do ,i am grateful  that I love English and keep learning it .
and I carrying with mindfulness in my mind to feeling the life in a optimistic way ,what a wonderful life .


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