Always feels great when you learn something from others! Here’s a little reflection and accomplishment I’ve done in July.
1. Start my first Krav Maga (以色列防衛術)lesson, and I really like it! Kind of enjoy fighting and defending. It doesn’t sweat that much compares with boxing which I had tried before.

2. Restart reading《紅樓夢》(The Dream of the Red Chamber), the book I haven’t finished while I was busy preparing my test. I have to say, the relationships between these relatives really overwhelmed me. Thankfully, I start to get used to it after I finished one third of the book.
3. Besides 《紅樓夢》, I restart reading 《三國演義》(Romance of the Three Kingdoms)at the same time. It sounds half-hearted, isn’t it lol? One of my goals during this summer is finish “The Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature”.
4. Read the original version of /Harry Potter/. The original one is always the best. Still a long way for me to finish those seven series, because I use iPad as reading material, my eyes hurt from time to time. I do need to take care of my eyesight, so it kind of slow down my process.
5. Practice Yoga on a weekly basis, and I start practicing splits. I set my sights on doing so for a perfect picture when I restart my aerial yoga lol. BTW handstand is also an advanced pose I’m practicing now.🤪

6. Start taking cold shower for it might be better for my skins and for it is crazy hot these days. As for the present, the result or the experience after shower is quite satisfactory, my pores tightened indeed and I don’t get itchy after shower.