1.Do you think good decision-making can be taught?
2.I sit better to make important life decisions on your own or is it better to consul tother people?
1.Well, if you go to a bookstore you’ll see lots of self-help books that claim to teach decision-making.I’m not sure any of them are effective though.I suppose it depends on the type of decision you mean.If it’s a business strate gy,then I’m sure some decision sare better than other sand business schools teach this.But if it’s a moralissue then I’m not sure anyone can claim to know the right decision,so how could any one teach it?
2.There are good reasons for both,I suppose.Ultimately,it’s your life so I suppose you should make the decisions.On the other hand,any decisions you make can affect other people so it seems only right to discuss things with others first.Like many philosophical questions,there’s no simple answer,I’m afraid.