2019-09-26 政府报告学习

2019-09-26 政府报告学习

作者: A_bad_tea_maker | 来源:发表于2019-09-26 22:28 被阅读0次


人才:capable people/professional 

人文精神:spirit of humanity

弘扬:the championing of

面向市场需求:response to market

汇聚:bring together ...

中国创新:Chinese innovation 

形成强大国内市场:stimulate the development of a robust domestic market

释放内需潜力:unlock the potential of domestic demand

充分发挥...的作用:leverage the basic role of

多措并举:a combination of measures

...的能力:capacity for...

个人所得税法:Individual Income Tax Law


确保,落实,实现:see that+句子

e.g.See that you have enough sleep every day.

充分享受到...: get the most out of...

减税: reductions apply to people 

多渠道:multiple avenues 

民间资本进入的赌点:problems and difficulties blocking the entry of private investment 

税费减免资金支持:tax and fee cuts and exemptions  

资金支持:funding support 

水电气价格:charges for ...

改革完善:reform and refine ...

医养结合:integrate medical and elderly care services 

扩大长期护理保险制度试点:extend(扩大) trials(试点) for long-term care insurance to cover(扩大) more areas

未来可期:a future to look forward to 

加快: move faster to do /speed up

加强:step up ...


社会力量:private sectors 


扩容:expansion of capacity in 

全域旅游:integrated tourism 

动充电、加氢设施: charging and hydrogenation facilities

消费新业态:new forms of consumption 

培育...新增长点: foster new growth areas in...

快递:express delivery services 

权益:rights and interests 


合理扩大有效投资:expand effective investment as appropriate 

紧扣策略:closely follow 

水运投资:be invested in waterway projects 


灾害防治:disaster prevention and mitigation (灾情缓解)

航空:aviation 航天:aerospace

加大力度:boost investment for ...

预算投资安排:RMB ... is included in budget for ...

比去年增加...: an increase of ... on last year 

适当降低:lower as appropriate... 

创新项目融资方式:explore new forms of project financing 

资本金:capital contribution requirements

用好开 发性金融工具:make good use of developmental financial instruments

民间资本:private capital 

有序推进:take systematic steps to do 

带头:set a good example in ...

讲诚信守契约:act in good faith and honor contracts

不理:get away with 

新官不理旧账:ignore obligations undertaken by predecessors

拖欠sb的款项:overdue payments to ... must be made 

扎实推进:make solid progress in ...

对标:move closer to doing/sth 

优先发展:prioritize (the development of)

脱贫:poverty alleviation/eradication

加强脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴统筹衔接:strengthen both poverty alleviation and rural revitalization

如期:according to plan 

农民生活水平: rural living standards

精准脱贫攻坚战: beat poverty with precision alleviation(精准脱贫)

重点解决:give priority to our work 

不愁吃不愁穿:basic living needs are met 

住房安全有保障:have access to housing 

加大力度:intensify ...


基础设施建设:infrastructure development 

保障措施:social safeguards 

致富:achievement of prosperity 

产业支撑:support of industries

大力扶持:do more to do...

贫困地区:impoverished areas 

发展(当地)特色优势产业 develop businesses that leverage local strengths

开展专项行动:launch an initiative 

控辍保学:address school dropout rates and ensure attendance

增加专项招收人数:increase the size of special enrollment quotas

明显降低:achieve clear reductions in ...

治本之策:make use of fundamental role of

防止代际传递:stop poverty from being passed on to the next generation

完成:move toward...

易地扶贫搬迁规划:planned relocations of poor populations from inhospitable areas

插播:里程碑意义的报告(中译) a landmark UN report

           lay bare sth 揭示

           parlous state of ... 危险状况

           the likes of sth 像......的东西

           fail sb 辜负sb

          assembled heads of state

          the acceleration that we see in sea level rise 



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      本文标题:2019-09-26 政府报告学习
