如何高效学习19年政府工作报告双语? | CATTI必备

如何高效学习19年政府工作报告双语? | CATTI必备

作者: Joy高斋翻译 | 来源:发表于2019-03-21 09:34 被阅读15次



一. 小标题的翻译:结构统一,主被动基本保持一致

(一)政府工作报告工作回顾18年部分的小标题翻译。在时态上都是过去时,在表达上可以是被动were done,也可以是主动形式we did,这样主被动交替使用,因为整篇若是全部使用主动或全部使用被动,就会显得句式单一。但是前后结构需要统一,要不都是被动,要不都是主动。


1. 连着使用被动+过去式were done:


The main economic indicators were kept withinan appropriate range.

2 经济结构不断优化。

Economic structure was further improved.

3 改革开放取得新突破。

New breakthroughs were madein reform and opening up.


2. 连着使用主动+过去式we did:

① 一是创新和完善宏观调控,经济保持平稳运行。

First, we developed new ways to improve macro regulation and ensured a generally stable economic performance.

② 二是扎实打好三大攻坚战,重点任务取得积极进展。

Second, we took solid action in the three critical battles and made good progress in carrying out key tasks.

③ 三是深化供给侧结构性改革,实体经济活力不断释放。

Third, we deepened supply-side structural reform and steadily unleashed the dynamism of the real economy.

(二)政府工作报告展望19年部分的小标题翻译:将来时will、need to,常用主动形式,we will、China will等等,will有一个用法就是显得正式,更能体现出政府的责任和目标。19年政府工作报告在展望未来的部分都使用了We will do sth。

1. 继续创新和完善宏观调控,确保经济运行在合理区间。

We willcontinue to develop new and improved approaches to macro regulation and keep the main economic indicators within an appropriate range.

2. 激发市场主体活力,着力优化营商环境。

We willwork to energize market entities and improve the business environment.

3. 坚持创新引领发展,培育壮大新动能。

We will continue to pursue innovation-driven development and foster new growth drivers.

4. 促进形成强大国内市场,持续释放内需潜力。

We willstimulate the development of a robust domestic market and keep unlocking the potential of domestic demand.

二.正文内容的翻译:主被动交替使用下面这段话同样取自2019年政府工作报告“2019年工作展望”部分。第一句“扎实推进乡村建设”是总结性的话,表达展望,用将来时will。正文部分则是主被动交替。We will adopt;Implementation will be accelerated;will be resolved;will be completed;We will work to improve。


We will take solid steps to upgrade rural infrastructure. We will adoptsound development plans to significantly improve living and working conditions. Implementation will be accelerated of programs to consolidate and build on progress already made in providing safe drinking water in rural areas. Remaining problems in access to safe drinking water will be resolved within two years so that an additional 60 million rural residents have access to safe drinking water. The new round of rural power grid upgradingwill be completed. We will work to improve rural living environments in light of local conditions, make progress in the Toilet Revolution, and improve garbage and sewage treatment to build a beautiful countryside.

三.政府工作报告喜用work to,continue to,表示强调,其实不加也可以。下面的“继续/坚持……”使用了We will continue to …的结构。work to energize and improve没有直接说We will energize market entities and improve …这是政府报告表达的一个习惯。

1. 继续创新和完善宏观调控,确保经济运行在合理区间。

We will continue to develop new and improved approaches to macro regulation and keep the main economic indicators within an appropriate range.

2. 激发市场主体活力,着力优化营商环境。

We will work to energize market entities and improve the business environment.

3. 坚持创新引领发展,培育壮大新动能。

We will continue to pursue innovation-driven development and foster new growth drivers.


1. 经济运行保持在合理区间。

17年:We kept the economy performing withinan appropriate range.

18年:We kept major indicators withinan appropriate range.

19年:The main economic indicators were kept withinan appropriate range.

这三种表达时态上都是过去时;在表示“保持”含义时,均使用了“keep”一词;“合理区间”说法不变within an appropriate range;主要是“经济运行”的表述发生了变化。

在17年的政府报告中,在表示“经济运行”这一概念时,直接取其字面含义the economy performing。而在18和19年的报告中,则将“运行”这一概念进行了弱化,取“经济运行”的深层含义“主要经济指标”,在表述上更为具体。这一译法上的变化我们要注意到。

2. 城镇新增就业;实现充分就业


A total of 13.14 million new urban jobs were addedover the course of the year … For China, a large developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion, attaining this level of employment is no easy task.


More than 66 million new urban jobs have been added, and our country, with its population of over 1.3 billion, has achieved relatively full employment.


A further13.61 million new urban jobs were added, … For a big developing country with a population close to 1.4 billion like ours, attaining relatively full employment is critical.


A total of +数字+new urban jobs were added(17年);

数字+ new urban jobs have been added(18年);

A further+数字+new urban jobs were added(19年)。

“新增城镇就业”,new urban jobs表述未变;“增加”,add这个动词也没变。区别在于它们对数字的描述。从a total of到直接写数字再到a further,further这个词强调了“更多的,进一步的”之意。表明此前城镇就业已经有所增加,在那基础上又有所增加的意思。因为从前两年的工作报告中,我们可以看到每年的城镇就业都有新增。


attainingthis level of employment(17年);

has achievedrelatively full employment(18年);

attainingrelatively full employment(19年)。

17年时还未实现较为充分的就业,用的是attaining这个动词。就业,employment;18年实现了较为充分的就业,用的是achieve这个动词,充分就业,full employment;而到了19年,实现比较充分就业只是换了一个动词,又使用了attaining这个词。attaining relatively full employment。




    本文标题:如何高效学习19年政府工作报告双语? | CATTI必备
