

作者: 至简至美 | 来源:发表于2018-12-31 12:08 被阅读0次

    [if !supportLists]1. [endif]Who do you think influenced you most? Why?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]In my life, I believe many people, either around me or just having come across me once, have exerted an influence on me. But perhaps the one who has affected me most is my mother.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]When I was in kindergarten, young as I was, in order to develop my habit of reading, mum would read to me every day before I went to bed. Gradually, I became a good reader who would easily be fascinated by a novel or a biography.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]I was not a diligent student when I was in primary school. My mother showed her worries towards me and encouraged me to work harder.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]My mother’s good temper showed me how to be friendly to others and how to suppress my anger when faced with others’ annoying behavior.

    [if !supportLists]2. [endif]What is the most important thing that school education has given you?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]The most important thing: The ability to think independently, scrupulously and critically.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]To think independently: In class, we are required to work either on our own or in groups and find a reasonable answer to a hard question. We cannot rely on our parents and teachers to get a so-called “perfect answer”. Independence does not mean that we do not co-operate.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]To think scrupulously: We gradually become logical students after we learn how to think. Chinese and English: Comment on a specific phenomenon in different ways, and even in opposite ways. Mathematics: To think of every possibility and organize all of them, finally getting the answer.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]To think critically: Critical thinking may be a very important ability of human beings, and I believe it is mainly about diving into the issue, thinking about the reasons for and the profound meanings of it and get a comprehensive view.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Independently, scrupulously and critically. They are from what I will benefit all through my life.

    [if !supportLists]3. [endif]In what ways do you think the Internet has changed the way students learn?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]To answer the question, I believe it is important for us to have a look at what Internet can do for us. The Internet provides us with plenty of resources and enables us to be connected to people far away.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]From my point of view, the change can be divided into good ones and bad ones.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]We can get access to useful information much more easily than before.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]We can get in touch with our partners in the study group online, and this greatly improves the efficiency of our study.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Nonetheless, we may get distracted.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]We may be exposed to incorrect information.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]As a result, we should be aware of the possible consequences and have self-discipline.

    [if !supportLists]4. [endif]“Toxic” is Oxford Dictionaries' word of the year. How do you understand the word? If you are asked to choose a buzz word for 2018, what is it?

    The original meaning of the word “Toxic” might be similar to that of “Poisonous”. We say the word when we refer to something that may cause death or illness.

    It seems a word used in the realm of chemistry.

    Now, people use it on different occasions.

    For instance, with the environment getting worse and worse day by day, we may use the word to show that the environment is quite bad.

    If some food causes health problems, we also say “toxic”!

    Now, apart from the real harm, the word can also be used to refer to an abstract meaning. For instance, we are stressed out, or something seems unreasonable.

    I will choose “Appetizing” of the 2018 buzz word. It stemmed from a young man in a TV programme who swore not to eat anything but later considered the food to be “appetizing”. Not the word is used to tease those who do what they promised not to do.

    [if !supportLists]5. [endif]What do you think is the meaning of officially becoming an adult?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]According to the law, an adult means a person at or above the age of 18. So obviously, officially becoming an adult shows that we reach this age.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]But from my point of view, adulthood is far beyond that. It is a milestone, I believe.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]First of all, officially becoming an adult means our independence. Children, different from adults, do not have the ability to live on their own.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]What is more, officially becoming an adult requires our courage. We are definitely going to confront big challenges in the future, and we may need to directly face them.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]It also means a sense of responsibility. We should answer for whatever we’ve done.

    [if !supportLists]6. [endif]Have you been involved in a dilemma? What was it about? How did you solve it?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Yes, I have been involved in a dilemma.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]When I entered the senior high of NFLS, I was frustrated. While everyone in the class seemed active in all kinds of activities, I was a little bit afraid of performing on the stage. At the Art Festival, I was too nervous to stand on the stage as an actor.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Should I remain inactive or force myself to take part in the activities like everyone else? I was involved in a dilemma. I was not a confident student, but I did not want to just be among the audience.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]I turned to my parents for help. They encouraged me to participate. “You will have to face even bigger challenges in the future, so now you need to fake it until you make it.”

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Finally, I made up my mind to be an active participant. NFLS provided every student with opportunities to show themselves, and I needed to grab them.

    [if !supportLists]7. [endif]What do you think is the biggest problem getting in the way of communication between parents and teenagers?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]I believe it is the lack of understanding and even the lack of trust that contribute the most to problems in communication between parents and teenagers.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Let me take myself as an example. Although in general I get along well with my parents, sometimes our ideas conflict severely. Perhaps the the cause lie in our faith in ourselves. I mean, We believe that we are the only one that is right.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Worse still, sometimes we lack trust to such an extent that we even doubt the whether the other side intends to do the good.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]There are solutions to the problem. Firstly, we should have the will to improve our communications. Actually, the problem is nothing challenging.Provided both the parents and the teenagers are ready to have a communication in which they express their ideas in a good manner, they will make a difference.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]If we are reluctant to do so, we can seek help from others, say, our teacher. The teacher can serve as a bridge between us.

    [if !supportLists]8. [endif]“Grown-up babies” have come in for much more criticism this year, after a few of them caused several serious incidents: a man occupying another passenger’s seat and a fatal bus accident in Chongqing, etc. Ju ying or grown-up babies” are always self-centered and selfish, lack social consciousness and have an inherent disregard for rules. Why are there so many “grown-up babies” in our society?

    Family is the factor that exerts the most profound influence on a person. As I always believe, of all the so-called “grown-up babies”, most have been spoiled in their childhood. Provided that parents do everything for children, the latter will never have a sense of responsibility or care for others. All these manifest their selfishness.

    Selfishness also contributes to lack of social consciousness. It is improbable for a young man who never cares about the feelings of others to care about the whole society. A caring man, on the contrary, shows sympathy to the poor and cares about the future of humankind. Parents without social awareness are unlikely to have a caring child.

    Some parents, without awareness of obeying rules, do not leave a positive effect on children. Today we are angry with those who disregard rules, we also need to be clear that their parents and, disturbingly, their kids, may also break the rules very often.

    [if !supportLists]9. [endif]Why can curiosity be both painful and pleasurable?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]As a curious person, I believe I really have something to say on the topic “curiosity”.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]In my opinion, curiosity is an invaluable quality from which we benefit a lot. But if I really need to come up with some occasions on which it is painful, firstly I will say the desire for the answer to a question might be painful.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Distraction and even procrastination.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Here comes the advantage of curiosity or, in other words, why curiosity is pleasurable. It motivates me to study.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]In all, curiosity may have both advantages and disadvantages, but to me, there is no denying that it does more good than harm.

    [if !supportLists]10. [endif]Which book of children’s story has exerted great influence on you? Why?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]As a matter of fact, I did not read many books of children’s story when I was young, and none of them seem to have exerted a profound influence on me. But if the question were “which book that you read when you were young has exerted great influence you you”, my answer would be Journey to the West.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Like other children, I loved to read imaginary tales, including mythology, in primary school. One day, mum gave me a Journey to the West adapted for children to understand easily. I quickly got interested, and finished reading it within several days. Fascinated by the plot, I read it again and again at leisure, and was quite familiar with the story, and even the details.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Gradually, I had my bias for or against some characters. For instance, I admired Sun Wukong for his bravery and loyalty, and did not like Zhu Bajie, considering his laziness. I was always confused at why the story went along in this way.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Recently, I have read some articles about the novel. At the age of nearly 16, I suddenly realized that the story was the reflection of the society at that time, and even, nowadays. Why is Journey to the West one of the four great classical novels of Chinese Literature? It is not a fairy tale written for children, but a satire and a reflection on the society. Yet it aroused my interest in reading as well as discovering the connection between literature works and the reality.

    [if !supportLists]11. [endif]Time and energy spent on physical appearance, such as cosmetics, hair products and clothes are considered as a big distraction from study. Do you agree?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]No, I don’t. If you don’t believe that, you can search the Internet for photos of those studying in top universities, and you will probably be astounded at their handsome beautiful appearance.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]I believe, a good student should have the ability to balance the study and the daily life. I do not admire those who study all day long. There is a perfect word for them: bookworms.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Excellent students are good at sports, play good video games while doing well in their study. Absolutely they have enough time and energy on physical appearance.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Then why do some people blame these students? Probably because of envy.

    [if !supportLists]12. [endif]What is your definition of friendship? What kind of people can be your best friends?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Friendship, I believe, is a relationship between two where they want to share with each other the feelings and offer a helping hand to each other. The reason why friendship is special lies in the fact that two friends, although they do not live together, can have such a harmonious and firm relationship.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]The reason why two are friends, not normal companions, lies in the fact the there exists trust. So above all, my best friend must both be trustworthy and be willing to trust me. I have to say, I am a trustworthy person, as I do not keep my promise provided that there is nothing beyond my grasp, and, if any, I will tell my friend as soon as possible. Only if my friend does the same will trust exist between us. Therefore, a friendship is built.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Apart from bilateral trust, courage is essential in a friendship, so my best friend must be brave. Confronted with challenges, it is a friend that will directly face them with us, and we can come up with ideas to tackle them. If the friend does not have enough courage to undertake a difficult task with me together, I do not believe the friendship will be ever-lasting.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Finally, friends are better off being humorous. I am a humorous person, and I can come up with some interesting ideas which I share with others. A close friendship not only includes the determination to face difficulty, but also contains joy.

    [if !supportLists]13. [endif]Introduce a unique experience, talent or background you have, without which you would not be the same person.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]When I was in Grade 6 in primary school, invited by a student, I joined a sinology club. At first, I thought I would not be quite interested in the activities as I did not have a clear idea what “sinology” was. But hardly had it been near the end of the first activity when I started to love it.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]The teacher, who held the activity, introduced what sinology was about and what we would experience in the coming activities. I could still remember his words, “sinology is such a big term that none of us can experience much of it all throughout our lives.”

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Influenced by him, I began to learn about sinology, primarily Chinese literature, as the club mainly introduced it. In the meantime, I became fascinated with the background of the works, say, poems. Why did the author write the poem? What did he or she want to express to the reader?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]In the summer vacation of 2016, I finished reading The Story of the Stone, which exerted a profound influence on me. The beautiful words and the tragic ending attracted me a lot. Later, I was interested in the poems of the book, as I found them beautiful as well.

    [if !supportLists]14. [endif]What is a stereotyped NFLS student like? Do you think you are a typical NFLSer?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Two years ago, before I entered NFLS, I always believed that every student here was brilliant and did exceptionally well in every respect, from subjects in school like Maths and English, to all kinds of extracurricular activities.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]After I had spent some time studying here, I gradually realized that I had been wrong. After all, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and it is impossible for one to be expert in everything.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]So what is stereotyped NFLS student like? From my perspective, firstly, the students may not do be good at every subject, but they must speak good English, French, German or Japanese.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]NFLS students have strong abilities to express themselves. Having been being trained for years, they possess the confidence to show their best part to the audience and know how to express in an effective way.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]NFLS students are active in different activities and are willing to show up in front of the audience.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Since I entered NFLS, I have been forever asking me whether I am a typical NFLSer. My answer might be no.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]I am not a good English speaker.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]I cannot express myself well before the public.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]I am not an active participant.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]There is something that I do not like on a typical NFLSer. I believe they have arrogance which might be a little bit annoying. I, to the contrary, am a humble person.

    [if !supportLists]15. [endif]Say something about yourself. Among these qualities, which one will play the most important role in leading you to success?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]I believe my most important quality is curiosity. Since I was born, I have been interested in everything new around me. It motivated me to study well.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Also, I believe I am a hard-working person. Some people may wonder how can one work hard. From my point of view, it always interest that keeps me active.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Furthermore, I am a humble student who seldom shows off in front of others. I think one can never study too hard in front of such a large world, and no one has the confidence to announce that he has already learned a lot. Why should a person be humble or, in another word, modest? Well, it is because of my curiosity as well. Provided one is curiosity, he or she will never be satisfied with what has already be learned. As a result, it makes no sense to show off.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Among all these qualities, as I put it just now, the most important is curiosity.

    [if !supportLists]16. [endif]What role does a mom play in the household? How might a mom’s role differ from that of a father?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]I am really against the opinion that mum and dad each have something that they “should” do. It is a gender stereotype and even worse, a gender discrimination. It does not make any sense.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]If I really need to point out a role in which a mum plays in the household, then, considering the fact that mum usually has a closer relationship with the child according to some researches and surveys, she is of greater importance in children’s education. When a child is confronted with trouble and is feeling gloomy, mum can listen to his or her problems carefully and patiently and cheer him or her up.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]So what can a father do in the household?As usually dad is physically stronger than mum, he can undertake some work requiring strength. For instance, when a light goes wrong, he can go to fix it.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Despite what I said, I always believe that only if parents co-operate without making a rule that one should finish a specific task, will the family go along well.

    [if !supportLists]17. [endif]What is your favorite and least favorite subject in school? Why?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]My favorite subject in school is mathematics. Perhaps it is not a popular answer, because others may choose subjects like English and Chinese. But to me, there is one advantage of maths that decides my love for it: its clear answers. Sometimes, I am confused at and even frustrated with the ambiguous expression of a multiple-choice question in an English test, but there is no denying that one plus two equals three, not two or four. Yet I do not mean that I do not like languages. As a matter of fact, I been fascinated by languages since I was young. Why? Because they contain the charm of logic. The grammar of a language is studied by the most serious and conscientious linguists, and logical people will fall in love with it very easily. Maths is logical too. As long as you have the right prelude, you will come to the right conclusion no matter what methods you use.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]My least favorite subject in school might be art. As a student who lacks relevant training of art, I cannot give an answer why some really abstract pictures are highly admired by so many people. But it does not mean that I do not have my own attitudes towards the works of an artist, but the problem is that my ideas usually conflict with major opinions. Actually, it is no difficult for me to analyze the reasons why there are such artists in a certain period, but I really lack the ability to appreciate the pictures.

    [if !supportLists]18. [endif]Friedrich Nietzsche's once said “Whatever does not kill them makes them stronger.” What is your understanding of it? You could give examples to illustrate your point of view. / Do you agree that it is failure not success that defines humans characters?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Yes, I do.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Firstly, there are limited times when a person reaches success all through his life, but failure is always there. Whatever you do, you will probably taste the bitterness of failure.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Secondly, success gives joy to us, and we may forget the pleasure shortly afterwards. On the contrary, failure always forces us to think carefully about why we have failed, the meanings of what we do and what to do in the future. These complicated thoughts gradually influence our characters a lot: we may either be more courageous or be overwhelmed by sadness and fear.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Thirdly, it is failure not success that lets us see the other side of others. What is the attitude of your family, your friends, your colleagues or classmates? Do they cheer you up and want to offer a helping hand or just stay away from you? All these may exert a profound influence on you.

    [if !supportLists]19. [endif]What do you think are the essential features of a good university and why?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]A university, from my point of view, is primarily a place for students to study in. So above all, a good university should take education, especially undergraduate education seriously. You may believe that every university does so, but the fact is that, in order to improve the ranking,quite a number of universities put much more emphasis on research than on education. However, usually a top university must be one where students can get the best education.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Also, a university should ensure students’ freedom of speech. A university serves as a place where different ideas gather, and it is of no help if it does not allow ideas to be shared.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]What is more, a university needs to encourage students to do well in different areas. Study is important, but sports and activities are significant as well.

    [if !supportLists]20. [endif]What is your understanding of “Manners make the man.”?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Many people may complain about the complicated manners that we have to follow. But I believe, as the saying goes, “manners make the man”.

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]Above all, manners are in what we differ from other animals or primitive humans. Humans set up their civilizations and had languages, characters, and also, manners. Can you imagine a civilization in which people do not have manners?

    [if !supportLists]v [endif]What is more, we live in a highly organized world in which we need to live and co-operate with others in nearly every aspect of life. Manners manifest that we have the will to get along with others. This definitely enhance our relationship and we can work more efficiently.

    Last but not least, manners can show one’s attitude. Provided that you do not want to obey the basic manners, how can you have a serious attitude towards more im。

    1.你认为谁对你影响最大?为什么?              在我的生活中,我相信许多人,无论是在我周围,还是只是偶然遇到过我,都对我产生了影响。但也许对我影响最大的是我的母亲。              我在幼儿园的时候,虽然我很年轻,但为了养成阅读习惯,妈妈每天都会在我睡觉前给我看书。渐渐地,我成了一个很好的读者,很容易被小说或传记迷住。              我在小学时不是一个勤奋的学生。我母亲向我表达了她的忧虑,鼓励我更加努力地工作。              我母亲的好脾气向我展示了如何对他人友好,以及如何在面对他人烦人的行为时抑制我的愤怒。

    2.学校教育给你的最重要的是什么?              最重要的是:独立思考、谨慎思考和批判性思考的能力。              独立思考:在课堂上,我们需要单独或分组工作,并对一个难题找到合理的答案。我们不能依靠父母和老师来得到所谓的“完美答案”。独立并不意味着我们不合作。              认真思考:学习如何思考后,我们逐渐成为合乎逻辑的学生。中英文:以不同的方式,甚至相反的方式,对某一特定现象进行评论。数学:思考每一种可能性,把它们组织起来,最后得到答案。              批判性思考:批判性思考可能是人类非常重要的能力,我认为这主要是潜入问题,思考问题的原因和深刻含义,并获得全面的认识。              独立、谨慎和批判性。他们是我一生受益的人。

    3.你认为互联网以什么方式改变了学生的学习方式?              要回答这个问题,我认为了解互联网能为我们做些什么对我们很重要。互联网为我们提供了大量的资源,使我们能够与远方的人联系。              从我的角度来看,变化可以分为好的变化和坏的变化。              我们比以前更容易获得有用的信息。              我们可以在线与研究小组的合作伙伴联系,这大大提高了我们的研究效率。              尽管如此,我们可能会分心。              我们可能会接触到错误的信息。              因此,我们应意识到可能产生的后果,并保持自律。

    4.“有毒”是牛津词典的年度词汇。你怎么理解这个词?如果你被要求为2018年选择一个流行词,那是什么?              “有毒”一词的本义可能与“有毒”一词的本义相似。当我们提到可能导致死亡或疾病的事情时,我们会说这个词。              这似乎是化学领域中使用的一个词。              现在,人们在不同的场合使用它。              例如,随着环境日益恶化,我们可以用这个词来表示环境非常糟糕。              如果一些食物引起健康问题,我们也说“有毒”!              现在,除了真正的伤害,这个词也可以用来指代一个抽象的意义。例如,我们压力很大,或者有些事情似乎不合理。              我会选择2018年流行语中的“开胃”一词。这源于一个电视节目中的年轻人,他发誓不吃任何东西,但后来认为食物是“开胃的”。这个词不是用来取笑那些按承诺不做的人。

    5.你认为正式成为成年人的意义是什么?              根据法律规定,成年人是指年满18岁的人。所以很明显,正式成为成年人表明我们已经到了这个年龄。              但从我的角度来看,成年远远超出了这一点。我相信这是一个里程碑。              首先,正式成为成年人意味着我们的独立性。不同于成人的儿童,没有独立生活的能力。              更重要的是,正式成为成年人需要我们的勇气。我们肯定会在未来面临重大挑战,我们可能需要直接面对这些挑战。              这也意味着一种责任感。我们应该为我们所做的一切负责。

    6.你是否陷入困境?是关于什么的?你是怎么解决的?              是的,我陷入了困境。              当我进入国家橄榄球联盟高级联赛时,我很沮丧。虽然班上的每个人似乎都积极参加各种活动,但我有点害怕在舞台上表演。在艺术节上,我太紧张了,不能作为演员站在舞台上。              我应该像其他人一样保持不活跃还是强迫自己参加活动?我陷入了困境。我不是一个自信的学生,但我不想只是在观众中。              我向父母寻求帮助。他们鼓励我参加。“你将不得不面对更大的挑战 。



