

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2020-03-04 04:40 被阅读0次


就是非常复杂,不完全放松和快乐,我wonder why,结果是没有足够有意思的事情做!所以决定每天都做对于health & happiness有帮助的不一样的事情!

第一天 2月29号 回到家,前台好像完全没有virus这回事,也不问我来自哪里,钥匙给我,我晚上到gym写完文章关于印度经历,收到很多反馈,我都很中立,不对印度过多评价,每个人都要自己体验。睡在自己床上感觉真好,尤其40个小时流浪在机场和飞机上,各种压力和不确定性,终于到了确定的家里!

第二天3月1号,4点vipa,之后天还是黑的,没法skating,就穿上不知谁留下的大的跑鞋,去中央公园湖泊绕圈跑,非常冷,我是从35度到0度,没有过度,看到纽约的landscape感觉熟悉亲切寒冷,要买avocado,竟然trader joe不开门,8点才开,很意外,决定自己油漆家里破裂的墙壁,之前在纽约约了几次super涮墙,各种推脱和问题需要我先解决,我决定做一些没做过的事情,ACE hardware store 3个block away,进去直接给我一个pro,壮汉,建议我买一套完整刷墙工具,才30美金,我直接选了喜欢的蓝色,结果发现和家里镜子,棚灯,painting都是一模一样色系,美丽的蓝色,幸运色;壮汉配油漆犹如cooking,先是拿了底色,放在机器下面蓝色流入罐中,还有另外一个色,估计是调配735色配方,之后封闭放在一个类似烤箱的摇晃器里,摇晃混合烘烤,真的就是做饭一样,之后拿给我完美!(michael和becky just called they are so happy with three grandchildren in canada, also he got notification from Columbia university it is really serious now!) 我买了铲子,准备大干一场!Trader joe异常拥挤,我还是要follow all the steps of back home。

其实涮墙完全没有想象的难,先是铲除破裂的地方,因为无法完全去除所有白色漆,我决定就留着原有痕迹,直接涮,油料直接倒在抽屉上,栓子非常好用,边角地方有小刷子,我还特意创意的涮了不同地方颜色程度不同,其结果就是家里犹如墨西哥街头房屋,大的色块和残墙颓废结合,意境很美很残缺,很适合我的心里状况。不到中午就涮好了,正在享受我的作品和spanish almond,收到Tatiana邀请brunch,穿过灿烂阳光的公园,到了他们热闹的家里,孩子追逐打闹,Chris在装一个IKEA一样的柜子,还有一个学生au pair刚从意大利来,热烈的场面就是我没有的也是偶尔非常享受的,汇报了我的遭遇和viva境况,了解到他们还是在纠结纽约还是回意大利,各种因为virus造成的商业影响和幸运的决定,parmigiana di melanzane是我最爱,非常好吃。dark bread 3块,T一向是个好的talker and host,她讲到自己一个人在家influenza发生的难过经历,神活神现,一再强调“live alone so horrilbe, u could die without notice for days! think insance when nobody to consult!" 我听到了,理解她的意思,so...............

3.30急忙赶往cartier取表,700多美金就是代价,这就是生活在纽约的额外费用,见到Ray我晚了半小时5点看到他,他说“ u cross the world  it isnot too bad just half hour late"

Lin: yes, from Colombo to Bangalore, to Amsterdam to New York.

Ray is still the same nothing changed, but said " after 30 years loving what I do, finally I am bored.Used to do 70% new things 30% same daily now it is most the same!"

Lin: Finally bored! welcome to the bored club or otherwise boring club, I am bored everyday. U need change now.

Ray: no pressure, I am taking my time, meeting Neu school dean Tuesday for discuss for enrollment of master class if they accept me my plan is to be a full time student next Oct.

Lin: I am so happy for u so study and teaching at the same time is good combination that is what I am doing; but I need something more, like 10 years ago, now I back to the city after 6 years turbulent entrepreneur journey, I need more things to do.


提到2009年我跑马拉松他被鲸鱼袭击,谈到The whale ship Essex,可怕的真实故事,人吃人发生过!

Moby-Dick; or, The Whale is an 1851 novel by American writer Herman Melville. The book is sailor Ishmael's narrative of the obsessive quest of Ahab, captain of the whaling ship Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, the giant white sperm whale that on the ship's previous voyage bit off Ahab's leg at the knee.

去了之前和Frank一起brunch的le pain quotidien,一个寒冷的夜晚,需要温暖。

Something different everyday

anxious to do things in new York!

家里犹如墨西哥街头,大的色块,脱落的流离, 美丽的凄凉,需要人陪伴吗?



